In Indiana

Thursday August 19 meeting with Indiana 
First Lady Judy O'Bannon at the Governor's 
Mansion in Indianapolis. She presents him 
with one of five special boxes especially 
made for the First Lady from tree on the 
mansion grounds.  

Meeting with Caterina Cregor Blitzer
Executive Director, International Center
of Indianapolis on August 13, 1999

Where Vasil Pasechnik shines: mother and 
child care. Shown here with Katherine and 
little Andrew Rowland 
(August 7)



American soybeans

Jim Osborn packing dental x-ray unit for Ukraine

With Cassie at the Columbia Club in Indianapolis 
the evening before his return to Ukraine

Good-bye, Dr. Pasechnik

August 13 meeting Eli Lilly 
Corporate Center with Pat Gibson 
and Larry Cimino, manager of 
International Relations

At the Hudson Institute: 
Dr. Vasil Pasechnik, Wendy Kid, 
Victor Kubik, John Clark, Mr. Kim.
(August 9)

The Hudson Institute in Indianapolis

 From left to right: Michael Snyder, CVR,
Victor Kubik, LIfeNets,
First Lady Judy O'Bannon,
Dr. Vasil Pasechnik and aide to the
First Lady, Jonathan Swain

Examining humanitarian aid that went over by container on December 22, 1999

Atop a parking garage in downtown Indy