Indianapolis Girl Scout Troop 358
Thinks of Victim Children of Chernobyl --
and the Children from Ukraine Respond!

August 8, 1999

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Victor Kubik with Troop 358

Indianapolis Girl Scout Troop 358 had earlier sent cards and toys to irradiated children of Chernobyl who are being treated at Ukraine Revival Medical-Social Rehabilitation Centre in Chernihev, 40 east of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Dr. Vasil Pasechnik, director of Centre came to the United States for a two week stay August 6, 1999. With him he brought the heartfelt response from the Centre's children.

Here is the letter of appreciation that accompanied the drawings and cards from Chernobyl's children.

Card from Ukraine to Indianapolis
Girl Scout Troop 358

From Ukraine

From Ukraine

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Mike Snyder helping the girls
make the cards going to Ukraine
on December 21, 1998

On Monday night, December 21 Mike Snyder and Victor Kubik and met with Indianapolis Girl Scout Troop 358. The troop volunteered to send friendship cards with photos along with a stuffed toy gift to Chernobyl's children victimized by radiation from the world's worst nuclear disaster which occurred on April 26, 1986.

Part of the program was explaining what happened to many of the children, especially to baby girls at the time of the accident, many who now as teens have thyroid cancer. Then Victor Kubik helped them write a greeting along with their name in Ukrainian. They then pasted their photos in the cards. The cards and stuffed toys are leaving for Ukraine on December 28th. A larger container containing medical equipment and supplies is headed that way from Fillmore, Indiana in the next few months.

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Molly the Moose headed for

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The girls along with troop leader
Kim Smith

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