Randy and Rusty Ott's April 1999 
Trip to Albania and Stay 
in a Kosovar Refugee Camp

by Randy Ott

On the seventh of April 1999, only a few days after the beginning of the NATO campaign to liberate Kosovo from the Yugoslav Serbs, I along with my brother went to Albania to observe the war from close-up. The following photos and narrative captions are just a part of what we saw.  Most of what we experienced was documented on video tape.

Kosovar refugee woman doing laundry 
in the Italian-run camp in Kukes, Albania

Keeping a smile in spite of the 

Kosovar child gives the victory sign as he 
heads over the border from Kosovo to 
freedom in Albania

A young man comes across the 
border alone

Aid being loaded for delivery to refugee 
camps throughout the region

This camp was being built by the German 
Army, administered by the Canadian 
Salvation Army and supplied by Swiss 
helicopters. The tents were donated by the 
people of Japan.

United States Navy helicopter departs for 
an unknown camp loaded with aid from all 
over the world. Occasionally we were able 
to catch a ride if space permitted.

This barber lends a free hand to fellow 
refugees in need of a haircut

Randy (left) and Rusty enjoying lunch 
and conversation inside the tent of a 
refugee family

Everyone helps with the work

Reality sets in a little bit more severe for
these women who don't know where their 
husbands are or even if they are alive.
Most of the refugees that we saw in the 
camps are coming across the border into 
Albania were either very young, very old 
or women. The men were either detained, 
killed or feld to join the resistance army.

A child too young to understand knows that 
something is wrong

French soldiers guard the airport in Tirana, 
capital of Albania and headquarters for the 
international relief effort

Refugees coming across the border eat hard 
blocks of cereal meant to be with hot 
water. These refugees had no water, 
especially hot, to mix with the cereal. 
Even if they did, they could not read 
the instructions in English. Most had 
not eaten for days and were happy to 
have whatever was provided to them.

US Army soldier guards the airport 
in Tirana

German soldiers begin construction 
of a new camp to help provide shelter to 
ever increasing numbers of refugees.

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