Another Example of LifeNets Agricultural Support...

Providing Hosing to Transport Water from Stream to Field in Malawi

Posted October 7, 2012

Peter Kawinga is able to provide a living for his family through hard work gardening a plot of land on which he raises cash crops, in this instance cabbage.  Some time ago LifeNets helped provide this land near a stream.  But, he also needed to get the water from the stream below onto his land.  In April of 2012 we provided a hosing to connecting to gasoline and treadle pump to send water from the stream and a reservoir over his acre of land that provides livelihood for a large family. 

We consider capital expenditure like this that provide the MEANS of making a living one of the best ways to help as it fulfils our LifeNets Mission of "developing programs offering practical assistance that promote the well being and self sufficiency of disadvantaged people throughout the world and, where possible, encourages them to pass on their LifeNets benefit to others." A hand up, not a hand out.

New hosing able to withstand water pressure from gasoline pump

Treadle Pump


Peter Kawinga and Beverly Kubik discuss pest control
