Ozzie G. Engelbart Memorial Youth Fund
November 2, 2007
LifeNets gives special thanks to Tina Englelbart who has used memorials in her late husband Ozzie's name to be user for the following people and projects since 2001. This memorial has kept alive Ozzie's love for and desire to help youth with something that they could not afford. It has made an impact on young people in Germany, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Canada, El Salvador and Malawi as well as the United States.
The fund is now closed. Thank you Tina!
2007 Award to the Malawi Medical Mission - $1000
2005 Award to the Developing Nations Scholarship Fund in El Salvador - $500
2004 Report from Sarah Squibb in Newfoundland (posted September 10, 2004)
2003 Report from René and Jako Kasper in Belgium (posted November 5, 2003)
2003 Award (posted November 5, 2003)
2002 Report from Jo an Sue Karas in Gloucester, England (posted October 11, 2002)
2002 Awards (posted July 5, 2002)
- 2001 Report from Sabrina Kneip in Germany
May 12, 2002
LifeNets Announces Launch of Ozzie G. Engelbart Memorial Youth Fund
INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. – Victor Kubik, President of LifeNets, today announced the Ozzie G. Engelbart Memorial Youth Fund. Established in honor of the late Oswald G. Engelbart, this fund is dedicated to enable teens from international areas to participate in a Christian camp experience in the United States.
Ozzie Engelbart, as he was more commonly known, was a minister of Jesus Christ for 32 years having pastored churches in Dallas, TX, Poconos, PA, Elmira and Binghamton, NY, Modesto and Stockton, CA, and Fayetteville, Ft. Smith an Mena, AR. And from 1997 through 1999 he was involved with the United Youth Camp at Pinecrest, MO.
Ozzie was a person who loved people, and he especially loved young people. As Tom Clark, a Pinecrest faculty member wrote of him: “He had a “radar” that sought out those kids who were feeling blue or left out or homesick or whatever. Before long we would see him in the dining hall playing some silly game with them. But they were laughing and enjoying themselves, which was his purpose to begin with.”
Ozzie died on March 31, 2000 as a result of a car crash. In order to continue his life work of helping young people have opportunities to learn proper spiritual values as taught by the Word of God, his wife, Tina Engelbart, and children, Samantha Engelbart Clark, Ted Engelbart and Natalie Engelbart, started the Ozzie G. Engelbart Memorial Youth Fund. In 2000 the fund collected around $2700, and last year was able to sponsor its first camper, Miss Sabrina Kneipp of Monheim am Rhein, Germany. (See her letter and pictures by clicking here)
There are eight United Youth Camps in the United States sponsored by the United Church of God, an International Association, and they are operated under the American Camping Association accreditation standards. These camps were established because of the realization that in this society our children are at risk. Camp provides a “safe Zone” where for over a week teens learn to practice Christian values and God’s laws away from home while interacting with other like-minded teens.
The camps are at the following locations:
Carter, Texas Heritage, Pennsylvania
Davidson, Oregon Oakhurst, California
Pinecrest, Missouri Teton Challenger, Wyoming
Winter Camp, Wisconsin Woodmen, Alabama
The Ozzie G. Engelbart Memorial Youth fund would provide assistance in the form of airfare to the U.S. and help co-ordinate efforts for further assistance. The cost for the camp(s) ranges from $175 - $295. The young person needs to be in his or her teens, of a Christian background, have an ability to speak and understand basic English. He or she must also be able to provide some of the money for the cost of the camp and expenses. We would be happy to advise how that might be done.
If you would like to help sponsor a young person to have that once-in-lifetime God-centered experience, we would appreciate your assistance. The Ozzie G. Engelbart Memorial Fund is under the auspices of Life Nets which was organized as a non-profit humanitarian relief organization in 1998 to better and more effectively serve needy peoples around the world.
For those interested in helping teenagers from international areas have a wonderful camp experience, you can make a tax-deductible donation to:
Ozzie G. Engelbart Memorial Youth Fund
P. O. Box 88165
Indianapolis, IN 46208-0165