Puget Sound LifeNets Car Wash

July 28, 2006

To all our LifeNets friends,

I am happy to let you all know that the Lifenets Carwash last Sunday, July 16, 2006 was a resounding success!!  We wish to thank everyone who came out and participated in the carwash. Your help was invaluable and you all did a terrific job!  Thanks to our young teens who made the signs and were out there jumping up and down to catch motorists’ attention and direct them to our car wash location, helping out washing cars and having fun at the same time.  Thanks to all the adults who worked so hard under 90 degree temperature making sure the cars are washed and dried.  Thanks also goes to Joel Robinson for bringing his truck with pressure washer which help speed up our washing efforts.  And thanks to all who gave towels to dry the cars with – I had the towels laundered so we can return them to you if you’d like them back.
During our 6-hour effort (from 9 AM to 3 PM), we put together an assembly line for up to 4 cars at a time for washing and then redirected them to another area for drying.  We washed a total of 55 cars during this short period of time!!  We were told by the gas station attendant that some organizations that do fundraising carwashes on Saturdays were only able to wash 30 - 35 cars and they went on until 5 PM. 

Now here’s the clincher….  We grossed a total of $1,213.14 for LifeNets!!  This far exceeded our wildest expectations!   This is so FANTASTIC!!  Great job to you all!!

This goes to show the power of collective prayers and with the cooperation of a few people, we can accomplishment BIG!
Once again, thank you all for you help and we believe all your efforts will benefit hundreds of people in Africa and other countries who need dire help just to survive!

Gilbert Javier

PS: The money raised from the car wash will be used to help with  Malawi Clinic Initiative, and the Children's Rehabilitation Center in Ukraine.

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