Dear Donors, Volunteers and Friends of LifeNets,

LifeNets International, Inc. completed its first full year as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and what a year it was! We helped support individuals and organizations in eight distinct regions of the world. LifeNets has developed programs that offer practical assistance to promote the well being and self-sufficiency of needy people throughout the world. To meet this goal, our resources are used primarily for medical assistance, education and training, income generation for families and communities, and refugee and disaster assistance for individuals and families in crisis.

We couldn’t have done it without you, our donors and volunteers. LifeNets received monetary support and in-kind donations from various individuals, businesses, churches and groups. Our hundreds of volunteers from all around the world ensure that our programs run smoothly and that the intended recipients are being served.

We present this annual report to you, the LifeNets supporters, to let you know how we used the resources that you entrusted us with. Enclosed you will find information on the programs of LifeNets, the financial statements for the year 2000, some general information on the organization, and some biographical information on our board members. We hope you are as pleased as we are and that we have earned your continued support.


Victor Kubik

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