LifeNets Program Highlights for the year 2000 

Ukraine Transcarpathia

In order to better serve our Ukrainian programs that continue to develop and grow, LifeNets organized a legal chapter in Khust. We were pleased to be able to offer the following aid in 2000:

In 2000 LifeNets organized a legal chapter in Khust and were pleased to be able to offer the following aid:

Ukraine Chernobyl

Our support of the “Ukraine Revival” Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children in Chernihev continues. Many children in the area continue to suffer from the devastating effects of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident. In facilitating our pledge of “Not Forgetting…. the Children of Chernobyl,” we provided the following services in the year 2000: 

Estonia and Eastern Europe

In the Baltics, we are focusing our efforts in Tartu, Estonia.  LifeNets provided the following in 2000:   

Central America

LifeNets is actively working in Guatemala and El Salvador. We provided the following in 2000:   


LifeNets has been assisting a medical clinic in Lilongwe, Malawi, was founded by Gladstone Chonde in 1991. Chonde continues to direct the clinic. Our commitment to the clinic continues, and our activities in the year 2000 reflect that commitment:   


Zambia was added to our family of projects in 2000.  Here is our progress thus far:   


For the second year we have provided aid in three areas of need:   

General and Administrative expenses were minimal at $4,079 representing less than 1.8 percent of revenue. We put your money to work!

No salaries are paid by LifeNets so virtually all contributions are used for relief efforts. Donations to LifeNets are tax deductible in the United States and donors will receive a receipt for tax purposes. Many medicines are purchased at 3 - 8% of wholesale cost, dramatically increasing the value of contributions for medical relief.

How you can help:

LifeNets relies on the efforts of volunteers to make a difference in the lives of people around the world. Contact us to see how you may help. Your donations to LifeNets may be designated for the general fund or directed to a specific program.


Victor Kubik, President
3707 Turfway Court
PO Box 88165
Indianapolis, IN 46208-0165

Phone    888 821-0095 or 317 216-0802
FAX     707 202-3313 


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