What is LifeNets? 

Originally an informal network of churches, relief groups and concerned individuals, LifeNets was formally organized as a non-profit 501 (c) 3 humanitarian relief organization in 1999 to consolidate their efforts in order to more effectively serve needy people around the world. 

The roots of the organization began in 1996 when Victor Kubik, LifeNets’ president, conducted an investigative trip to the Chernobyl region.  There he witnessed the horrifying effects of the Chernobyl disaster on children who had been irradiated and were now suffering from thyroid cancer. After his return to the Untied States, Kubik, a full-time Christian minister with the United Church of God, began informally organizing relief shipments to the Chernobyl area. 

Today, LifeNets develops aid programs around the world by partnering with known, trustworthy local leaders who can reliably get the aid to the intended recipients. In 2000, LifeNets directed aid programs in eight regions of the world. We make every effort to assure that aid is distributed in a planned, culturally appropriate, fair and equitable manner.  We hold program participants accountable to demonstrate that they have properly fulfilled the purpose of the aid given. 

Our micro-loan program is a great example of how we operate. By supplying needed capital, we help recipients develop income producing opportunities that allow them to become self sufficient.  Not only do the recipients maintain their dignity, while improving their lives, their repayments can then be used to help others. 

What is LifeNets?  It is a caring organization of people, like you, who have come together to help needy people throughout the world.

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