Letters from Contributors Helping Ukraine

Updated September 3, 1997

Glad to hear the Tajikistan refugees are being resettled. We appreciate the updates.


(Written on a hand colored page, with flowers and a rainbow)

I'm sending $10 for the people in Tajikistan. I wanted a watch but I'm sending you the money instead. I hope you can use it for children, but use it for whatever you need. I am ten years old.


Dear Brethren,

Enclosed is a check to be restricted to helping the Sabbatarians in the Ukraine with the operation of Mission Nazareth and assisting the refugees from the former region of the U.S.S.R.

Please keep us informed about this situation on Victor Kubik's WWW home page. I found out about this serious need from a message forwarded to the LikeMinds mailing list.

Keep up the good work and thank you for giving us a way to help! We all need to be much more involved in this type of activity in each of our home areas.


To those helping our Brethren in Ukraine & Tajikistan,

Thank you for your help in this urgent manner. Please use these tithes to do the work in a more personal manner. Our prayers are with you.


Dear Victor,

I read the article about the Ukrainian and Tajikistan Sabbath-keeping brethren, in the November, In Transition. We would like to be able to aid these folks in some way.

We are a small group of WCG members who have been separated from the local congregation. Since we have rejected the changes that have been made, we have similarly been rejected by the local WCG pastor. (not to be confused with a shepherd).

We have about 30 to 40 people who meet on a weekly basis, and we try to remain true to the teachings God placed in the church through Mr. Armstrong, knowing that at some point, God will restore His Church.

Is there some way that we as a group can assist you in the good work you are performing there? We don't have a lot; but we have a lot more than the brethren in Ukraine.

Please tell us what they need the most, and we will assist to the best of our ability.

Yours truly,

Victor Kubik,

My wife and I would like to make a donation for the Sabbatarian Christians in Tajikistan. We read the article about them needing to flee their homeland.

Today while working I was thinking about what it would be like to up and leave your home without being able to take everything that you call your own. We Church of God members here in the United States would find this problem hard to comprehend.

I have put the Tajikistans' problem on my prayer list daily. I know that God has the power to intervene. I feel that God's desire is for us to be involved with our people all around the world. I want to thank you for allowing us to be a part of it by keeping us informed about the trouble.

We will enclose a check to help them and continue to ask for God's help through our prayers, and fasting which we just finished this evening.

In God's love,

Please find enclosed a check for $910. As marked on the check this is for the Ukrainian Sabbatarian Fund only.

Thank you,

Dear Mr. Kubik,

I am wondering how I will find out how the brethren from Tajikistan are doing since there is no longer an In-Transition publication. I plan on writing to request Servant's News, hope they will be publishing such information.

Thanks for the help your group is making possible to the brethren in Tajikistan and the Ukraine.


Dear UCG,

Here is a small donation to help the refugee situation in Central Asia. I know it isn't much and it is a little late but as I am a college student money is tight.

Dear Brethren,

Thank you for this opportunity to go beyond church politics. This is a joy to contribute to help these refugees. God bless them and thank God for making it possible.

New Mexico

Dear Mr. Kubik,

Please use the small donation enclosed to help the Sabbath keepers in the Ukraine. We're so blessed in this country to have freedom of religion--my heart goes out to those who are being persecuted to the extent they must flee their homes.Please keep us posted on their status.

Thank you.
In Christ's Name

Please use the enclosed money to help the Ukrainian people. Thank you for keeping us inform. We appreciated the article in In-Transition so we would have an address. Even our little girls pitched in their money.

Thank you,

We saw the article in In-Transition about the plight of Tajikistan Sabbath keepers. I attend with CGI but God's people are God's people wherever they are.

Enclosed is a small check to help in the effort for these people. Use in whatever way it will help them the most.

Prayers for strength and courage to all as well,

Mr. Kubik,

Enclosed is a small donation to help the Sabbatarians in Tajikistan. I am happy to hear that you have not abandoned them after our split with Worldwide. Their faith and courage under persecution is a good example for us to follow.

In Christian love,

Dear Mr. Kubik,

Thanks for the articles on the Ukrainian brethren and especially those in Tajikistan. We hope this will help. We attend with a small independent group in Omaha; formerly CGI. God bless His people and your efforts.

Grace & Peace,

Mr. Kubik,

Thanks for the article and your mediation. This donation includes our two oldest kids' weekly allowance. I asked them to add their prayer to their money which would accomplish more. Your article detailed though it was, didn't say how the people would travel the 3,500 miles to Khust.

We were shocked to hear of the conditions in Tajikistan and having to see these people flee for their lives! We are most happy to help out and appreciate all that you are doing. Enclosed is a small amount to help out.

In Christian Service,

You will keep us posted how everything is going, won't you? I can see the people who are opening their houses are going to have to have support for themselves and those they are helping--I would be hard pressed to feed extra if I was in that position. Even if I can't send 30.00 next time a few dollars here and there is better than nothing.


I have relatives in Germany now, that used to live in Tajikistan until 1990 and they say the Muslims are destroying everything there that was built up over the decades by people that were displaced from the Ukraine after WWII. Some friends of theirs from there visited them in Germany in '95 and told that they hadn't received any pay for 6 months.

Mr. & Mrs. Kubik,

So encouraging to read in In-Transition of your help to the poor Sabbath keepers in Khust and their willingness to help those in Tajikistan. I certainly pray they will make their escape.

I had a book given me a few years back, ran across it yesterday and decided to read it again. When I got In-Transition and saw the plight of the people in Tajikistan I thought of this book again. Lest We Forget by Mandy R. Evans about the plight of this Jewish family during World War II when the country was taken over, and the horrible things their family went through. And the people who risked their lives to help them. Her family was torn apart for several years but, miraculously survived intact. Records see to indicate that theirs was the only complete family to accomplish this. Parents and five children. If you haven't read it, it is well worthwhile to read it.

Mr. Kubik, I've had some health problems this year an was sent the tapes each week from Home Office. Tapes have certainly been a life saver for so many people. So thankful for you men and women who have stood for the truth and gathered in the scattered sheep.

May God bless, encourage, and keep you,

Dear Sir,

Will updates be given how things are going via any means?

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Kubik,

We are very thankful that God has provided you as a link to these Tajikistan and Ukraine brethren. The articles in the Worldwide News and now--In-Transition are very inspiring. We are happy to have a way to help. We will continue to pray for your work with these brethren and for their safety as they leave Tajikistan and journey to Khust.


Dear Sirs,

It is with a warm & willing heart. I wish it could be more. Your work is mind boggling to me Mr. Kubik and all the rest who work with you. God truly is at work in our new ventures and I pray daily for His help and blessings for each and all of us and for His quick return.

In Jesus' name,

Dear Mr. Kubik,

I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for your part in helping me to sort things out recently. I've been a member of God's Church for over seventeen years and, like everyone else, the last two years has certainly taken a toll in my life.

My sincere gratitude for your tremendous example of true "service" and genuine love for your fellow man. Your "walk" speaks volumes to those who are searching for answers to critical questions.

In gratitude,

Dear Mr. Kubik,

Thank you for the In-Transition article regarding our brethren having to relocate from Tajikistan to Ukraine. Please accept this small contribution to aid your efforts in supplying food, clothing, medicine and money for those in need.

There are several of us that get together on Friday evening, at the beginning of the Sabbath for a sermon video (via CEM) and fellowship. We regularly send little notes and cards to widows, shut-ins, and those that are ill. If there is anyone in the Ukraine that would be encouraged by receiving a note from time to time, we would be happy to add them to our list.

You, and all those helping with this great need, are in our prayers. Please let me know if there is any other way we can help. I wonder how much we would have if all those in our church tradition gave $10? I'm praying you receive enough to help them through the winter and to get settled in their new area.


Dear In-Transition,

I just read the article Crisis in Tajikistan's civil war. By the time I got to the part about the Russian colonel having his arms and ears cut off my heart fell clear to my feet, I couldn't believe it. As soon as I finished the article I gave it to my wife and she read it. I have not had a pay check in over a year but I asked her if we could send some money to help out. So here is a small check to be used to help. I'm a member of UCG in OR. There are several Sabbath keeping churches and I get most of their news letters and there was nothing in them about these people in Tajikistan.

Let all people pray for these Sabbath keepers and all of God's people everywhere. This is one more example as why In-Transition should not stop. I urge you to reconsider and continue to produce the news letter. UCG, GCG, CGI need to take your example and truly be a church for all God's people.


Dear Mr. Kubik,

I read the article on Sabbath keepers of Tajikistan in the latest issue of In-Transition. Those poor people--it is impossible to imagine what they are going through. I very much would like to contribute to their cause and welfare so I am enclosing this check for you to use as you see best.

God has obviously put you as the go-between between the "Ukraines" and UCG. You are doing a wonderful work! I hope our members are supporting you and appreciate all you do.

Please keep us informed about the Ukrainiansa in "New Beginnings" or other literature. We are going to miss In-Transition!
