Dinner with our friends in Chernihiv from left: Maurice Frohn, Vasily Pasechnik, Victor Kubik, Anna Yakubova, Halyna Ostrik with husband Victor
April 1996 Visit
Director of Chernigev's Children's Polyclinic #2 Anna Yakubova
In children's play/reception area at Children's Polyclinic No. 2. Shown is Victor Kubik and director of the play area.
13 year old Lena Z. with Grandmother who live in Chernigev. Lena recently had cancerous thyroid removed. Her mother recently died.
Young Olga M. of Chernigev with her doctor parents. Had extensive surgery and needs rehabilitation. Olga is an aspiring ballet dancer
Children receiving inhalation therapy at Polyclinic No. 2. All equipment donated from the West.
Maurice Frohn (left) and Dr. Vasyl Pasechnik, director of Center for Rehabilitation of Handicapped Children due to open officially June 19, 1996 in Chernigev. They are standing in front of the Center.
Children with muscular dystrophy. School supplies are in very short supply. In this July's container we plan to ship 20 boxes of supplies for this rehabilitation center in Chernigev
Maurice Frohn and Victor Kubik in front of Chernobyl and Slavutich sign.
Victor Kubik outside Slavutich, a town built for workers at Chernobyl nuclear power station.
Maurice Frohn and Victor Kubik in front of hospital in Slavutich. The sign above is not time and temperature...it is a Geiger counter currently reading 15.8 microrads per hour.
Maurice Frohn, Vasyl Pasechnik and Anna Yakubova's mother Maria Borisko who lives in zone 28 miles from Chernobyl. We had lunch at her home on the way back from Slavutich.
Victor Kubik and Anna Yakubova taking soil samples in zone 3 at the home of Anna's mother.
In Other Parts of Ukraine
At a lunch reception in Ostrozets Rayon Hospital. From left to right: Irina Krigina (Victor Kubik's second cousin), Victor Kubik, Maurice Frohn, Dr. Volodya Mazehon (hospital director) and Dr. Yuri Misko the chief of the medical staff.