LifeNets helping in war-torn Donetsk, Ukraine area...

Summary page of reports

Posted December 21, 2014


Natasha Teague

Natasha Teague

Natasha Teague, who works with us in our Russian-speaking areas has helped facilitate aid to a small group of stressed people in eastern Ukraine.

We have a subscriber in Ukraine whose name is Yuri Andreew. In early September he contacted me on Facebook and requested some United Church of God literature. I asked Natasha to contact him. They began to communicate by email and Skype, and he requested more literature. His favorite booklets were Revelation Unveiled and also Holidays or Holy Days, along with issues of the Russian Good News

During conversations on Skype, Natasha asked Yuri about the situation in Ukraine. His town is on the edge of the war. His wife's parents live 15 miles from the Donetsk airport where the main fighting is occurring. Many people are suffering, and bombing continues every day. On September sixth at two a.m. they were awakened by a terrible explosion. The railroads were blown up so that no food or supplies could be shipped in.


Yuri Andreev

Many people, especially the elderly who could not leave, were desperate for food and medication. Yuri and his wife are educated and have good jobs, but their salary is barely enough to provide food for them and their two seventeen year old sons. Prices are going up every day because of the war.  LifeNets was able to send some money to help them along with seven elderly retired people. Of course, most of their neighbors are also in dire need. But these are the most critical since some recently had operations and desperately needed medications and food. They were very thankful and told me they were praying for everyone who helped them. It is heartbreaking that the old, weak, and  infirmed are left to suffer. Yuri and his family are Christians who keep the Sabbath and Holy Days and desire to serve God.

Below are the photographs of the people who Yuri gave food and medication.