Forty foot LifeNets Container On Its Way to Ukraine
on May 28, 2002 from Neosho, Wisconsin

Loaded by Great Volunteer Help on May 26


LifeNets has been working with the "Revival" Centre of Medical Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Children in Chernigov, Ukraine since 1995. It is located about 40 miles east of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.  This unique, for Ukraine, rehabilitation center was established by three doctors devoted to victim children of Chernobyl. They decided to establish the first children's rehabilitation center in Ukraine that goes beyond giving just medical help.  It helps the children develop confidence and skills to integrate into society's mainstream. Dr. Vasil Pasichnyk was the head pediatrician in Chernobyl at the time of the nuclear accident in 1986 and heads the Center.  In June last year we celebrated the fifth anniversary of his work.

In 1999 he visited the United States on a LifeNets sponsored visit and we introduced him to children's hospitals and rehabilitation centers in Rochester, Minnesota, Columbia, Missouri, Memphis, Tennessee and Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  While in the Milwaukee area a group of people expressed an interest in sending a container of much-needed equipment and supplies to his clinic.  Mark and Linda Roth who own Neosho Truck Parts offered to be the staging area of such a shipment.  On January 22, 2001 LifeNets received approval by the United States State Department to ship humanitarian supplies to Ukraine at no cost to us. Collections continued.

On May 26, 2002 the work of donors across area of our country made donations of requested items such as exercise and rehabilitation equipment, medical equipment and supplies, children's clothing, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene supplies, paint for expansion of the clinic, fabric and much much more.  All this was packed on a beautiful Sunday morning of May 26th.  The container shipping cost is funded by USAID program.  Expected date of arrival in Ukraine is about July 10, 2002.

We thank all those involved for their sacrifice, time and care for children whose parents in many cases were victims of the Chernobyl disaster and have passed on central nervous system disabilities to their children. 

Click here to see who helped make this all possible!

Below are photos of our packing.

From left to right: Mark Roth, Victor Kubik, Linda Roth, Beverly Kubik standing in front of container just loaded

The United States is still the leader for helping the needy in the world

Beds and therapy equipment that was to be moved from moving vans on to container

One of 390 boxes going on the container

Moving a heavy exam table

Hundreds of gallons of paint in 5 gallon pails

Reconciling the inventory

Putting together the final manifest on site

Special therapy stand shipped free to us by Federal Express

Mark and Linda Roth

Bed frames

Special pediatric wheel chairs

Lunch break

Government inspector taking a last look at
packing progress

Inspector Jack sealing up the container

The two moving vans used for storing humanitarian aid

Ready to go to Ukraine!

