LifeNets Container Going to
Chernobyl, Ukraine from Neosho, Wisconsin

November 30, 2001

For nearly two years dedicated people in Wisconsin and other parts of the United States wanting to make a difference in people's lives have been collecting  medical equipment and supplies for the "Ukraine Revival" Center for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Children near Chernobyl.  We have been work with this unique rehabilitation center since its opening in 1996 that I visited last in June 2001. This is the fourth container that we are sending to them. The last was sent from Indiana in December 1999.  We hope to have this container on its way in the next several months.

Wisconsin volunteers inventorying medical supplies in October 2001 going to Chernobyl


This effort started when Dr. Vasyl Pasichnyk, founder and director visited Medical College of Wisconsin and rehabilitation centers in August 1999 and found support among people who wanted to help collect much needed items for him and the victim children of Chernobyl. We now want to complete the collection and send 20 tons of aid for helping victim children of those born before and AFTER the Chernobyl tragedy of 1986. You can see a report about Dr. Pasichnyk's trip to the United States at

Sending items over is sometimes a long and arduous process of collecting, delivering, sorting plus going through a lot of paperwork in changing governmental rulings on both sides of the delivery. 

An initial inventory was completed recently. You can view the contents as they stand as of November 27, 2001.

I visited the Center this past June and have the following report at

The following people are currently actively helping or supporting this effort with the following items.  

We want to give special thanks to to Mark and Linda Roth of Neosho, Wisconsin who have generously, graciously and with great patience let us use storage space for collecting the items going to Chernobyl.
