“Helping People Help Themselves”
Dear Friends of LifeNets,
New eNewsletter
We’d like to share exciting stories about how we help people in various places around the world and how some it comes about. We like to share reports about how caring people really make a difference in the lives of the disadvantaged and make LifeNets the success story it is. We also let you in on some of our future plans.
We thank the many volunteers who give their time and resources to make things happen. In the last year, in particular, we’ve had various ones work together on projects, fundraisers and overseas missions that have measurable positive outcomes in the lives of people.
We are emailing this first newsletter to those who have expressed an interest in what LifeNets is doing or who are on our mailing list. If for any reason you do not wish to receive this online newsletter please let us know right away at unsubscribe@lifenets.org
We do not yet have a regular schedule of how often we will send it, but would like to start with a monthly mailing for starters. Please feel free to forward this eNewsletter to your friends.
2008 Calendar
Our friend Scott Moss in Berne, Indiana offered to do a calendar for the year 2008 which was a great idea. Scott is a marketing professional and long-time supporter of LifeNets. He put together a beautiful calendar for the upcoming year which was mailed out in our year-end newsletter on December 1st. Each month has a photo of a special LifeNets project. On the calendar each month there are two or three milestones that LifeNets achieved.
Hopkins Printing in Columbus, Ohio printed the calendar. We appreciate their great contribution to help LifeNets tell its story.
Vinogradov, Ukraine in December! ESL and EFL
On December 17th Victor and Beverly Kubik met Cindy Harper and her husband Dan in Budapest, Hungary. Dan is an American engineer working at a nuclear power plant in Cherbourg, France. The Harper’s have wanted to do some on-site outreach work and we thought that working with our Vinogradov street children might be a good fit.
In talking to Vasyl Polichko who is the Director of the “Light of Love” Mission that cares for the children, he said that if anyone could help teach English to the children, that that would be best kind of help that they could get. With the Harper’s we spent several days getting acquainted with the situation and see if a program can be started. Living relatively close in France, they may travel to Ukraine more regularly to do such a program. Ken Zahora, a school teacher from here in Indianapolis, is also interested in going over. We have set the start time of the summer program for the second week of June which will include a two-week day camp in Vinogradov.
In November Victor and Beverly Kubik brought back eight donated wheelchairs and a walker from Chicago for the LifeNets Wheelchair Project. One was a power chair and another was a pediatric chair. Shown on left is Bev picking up two chairs at Chicago lakefront high rise.
November 11, 2007 Board Meeting
Our chairman Tom Peine conducted a spirited board meeting Sunday, November 11th. Among other things discussed was the Plan of Work, or strategic plan, for LifeNets activities and operations through December of 2008. We are hopeful to have more support in grant writing proposals and plan to add a new project. We also discussed our 2008 budget and reported on activities. I want to thank our board for their commitment to LifeNets mission.
That’s it for our first issue!
-- LifeNets Staff
“The proper aim of giving is to put the recipients in a state where they no longer need our gifts.” - C.S. Lewis
Contact Information
LifeNets 3707 Turfway Ct. Indianapolis, IN 46228
317 216-0802 To unsubscribe from this newsletter: unsubscribe@lifenets.org