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October 28, 2012                                                                            Issue  No. 18
In this issue
LifeNets Support of Hydroponic and Organic Farming Infrastructure Project
"Impossible" Borehole at Nalubanda North, Zambia now a reality
Kosele Dunya Orphans School Project in Kenya Completed!.
Wheelchair to Zimbabwe



First, we want to thank all of our friends and supporters for their continued interest in the work of LifeNets. Since 1999 we have truly been greatly gratified by the outcomes of our projects that have given people hope and dignity. People's live change for the better when we provide an education to those who have gone on to meaningful professions; when we provide water to entire communities and medicine that saves lives and much more. We have done this consistently over the past 13 years. We are thankful for what opportunities have opened up to us and what we've been able to do with your help.


Since we sent our last eNews out, we have moved and our contact address for communications and contributions has changed. My wife Bev, who is LifeNets Project Manager, and I now live in the Cincinnati, Ohio area. Please use this address for future correspondence:


LifeNets International

1227 Woodchase Trail

Batavia, Ohio 45103


We will still maintain our accounting in Indianapolis where three of our board members live. A move is never easy with all the changes that have to be made, but we are operating normally now. We are preparing to send our supporters our annual calendar in December.


While we have not sent a newsletter to you in a while, we have continued to post stories and photos about our projects on our LifeNets Website at We have also kept up our LifeNets Facebook page at


We have quite a few stories to tell and simply won't be able in one newsletter, but will mention a few notable projects.


LifeNets identifies well-managed, self-sacrificing, accountable efforts to help disadvantaged people in their own countries. Dunya Orphans School is one of them. We are happy to lend a hand up to those who operate a school to help their own orphans. Their story is below.


Over the past few years we have been able to send young people to some project areas to work. This past spring we sent volunteers to Guatemala to work on a hydroponic project to provide food security in heavily urbanized communities. In July we sponsored a delegation of five to Ukraine to teach English as a Second Language. They also provided support for a camp for street children and orphans in Vinogradov, Ukraine. We will be writing a detailed pictorial about their journey in the next newsletter and on our Website soon. And, to Thailand we helped sponsor two young people to work for an extended period of time to in a school with refugees from Burma.


We thank you for your support with encouragement and donations. Thank you for all that you have done to make LifeNets an effective way to make a difference in people's lives in so many diverse places around the world.


Victor Kubik




Victor Kubik
LifeNets, President
LifeNets Support of Hydroponic and Organic Farming Infrastructure Project
In May 2012, LifeNets helped develop an organic hydroponic infrastructure in urban Guatemala City. The ongoing project is being led by Francisco Solorzano, who has worked as an agronomist for several decades.


Guatemala Good Works / LifeNets Hydroponic Project
Video clip explaining how the project works

Recently Mr. Solorzano updated LifeNets and Good Works on the progress being made with the project. He has organized four groups of five individuals who wish to learn about the hydroponic process and begin their own gardens.

At the same time, Mr. Solorzano will be overseeing a planting program for those who would like to participate. It will allow them to work with Mr. Solorzano to produce seedlings at the facility, before they are transplanted in the individuals' own garden

The teaching facility that was constructed in May is located on the roof of Mr. Solorzano's house, allowing him to maintain it regularly. Everyone involved is excited about the project and the potential of expanding it to the surrounding areas. Thank you to everyone who has contributed in some way for helping improve the quality of life for those involved.


Follow this link for more information about this project and photos.


"Impossible" Borehole at Nalubanda North, Zambia now a reality

Ever since LifeNets has been working in Zambia starting in 2000, we had a desire to sink a borehole at Nalubanda North in the Mumbwa region of Zambia in order to provide water for a remote community. But, we were told that the water table was deep and the ground hard. Other drilling efforts were unsuccessful and we were told that it would be an expensive proposition. The people who live in Nalubanda North have to walk miles for water and women and children spend a great deal of time carrying large containers, usually about five gallons on their heads. Water is a precious commodity and every drop is used.

Nalubanda North Borehole
Celebrating the arrival of water to Nalunbanda North, Zambia


That was then. What is now is that a LifeNets borehole has been successfully drilled on July 22, 2012 to the joy of a community of 100 people who will all benefit. This outcome makes us at LifeNets extremely happy.


Funding for this borehole was provided providentially by the Russian-speaking Emmanuel our Savior Christian Mission and the Antonovich family of Portland, Oregon in particular. Also, support came from the Church of Christians of the Sabbath Day.


I was contacted by Mission Director Vasyl Kutsyn several months back who told me that their mission wished to help provide water in Africa if we would be able to arrange for it. They told us that they did this in partial gratitude for other work that LifeNets has done in Ukraine.


We decided to take the chance of seeing if we could find water in Nalubanda North for their very needy community that we had been hoping to do for these years.


I'd like to pass along a few first-hand reports and from Maxwell and Joyce Kasakanbantu, the people on whose property the borehole is found:


Nalubanda Basic School
PO Box 830030
Mumbwa, Zambia


The bore drillers came on Sunday 22nd July. It took half of the day drilling and fitting all parts. In exception of cementing and fencing, which we are taking our part with my neighbors now.

You are really making us happy in our area here in Nalubanda North. Because of what you have done for us is to provide one of the necessities of life which is water. Water, air and food are necessary for life.


May God bless you abundantly in your leadership and in helping us and others worldwide. This is because you are not only preparing the way for us in Christ but even for outsiders. Your sacrifice for us will not go unpaid in this life and in the life to come.


Maxwell Kasakabantu


Follow this link for more complete story and photos

Kosele Dunya Orphans School Project in Kenya Completed!

Dunya is a small, remote community in Western Kenya that is comprised of a population struggling with AIDS. Orphans and single parent children living there often struggle to find food prior to reaching the age where government run education starts.


A small group of widows and adults have been running the Dunya Widows and Orphans Project which provides area preschoolers with a daily meal and a kindergarten education. They plant and raise crops with which to feed the children as well as teaching them to read and write.

The school is operated by Joseph Onura. He has provided for widow projects as well as the school for the orphans. The school has 56 orphans, 32 of them are total orphans, meaning they have lost both parents. Concerned individuals in he United States have been providing about $100 a month in aid for them which goes towards school supplies and providing a meal or two per day. Jim Morgan of Tennessee and Merrie Elliott of Arizona have been instrumental in fund raising for the school.
Kosele Orphans School Project 6-2011.wmv
Kosele Orphans School Project

In 2011, matching funds from LifeNets doubled a contribution by a UCG Phoenix Women's Weekend event for the construction of a classroom facility at the orphans school in Dunya, Kenya. The building is in the "dried-in" state with rough walls, openings for windows and doors, and a sheet-metal roof.


To finish the project, $6000 was needed, but the first of June the funds came and we were able to complete the project!


Project manages John Owak and John Elliott write:


"We are very thankful for those who donated funds towards this project and we pray that God may pour out His blessing to them even to those who participated on this. We hope that God will continue blessing them all for the Good work they are doing."


Here is a new photo of the completed Dunya Orphans School building at Kosele, Kenya. 70 students including many orphans were present for the photo.

Dunya School in Kosele, Kenya


You can read a more detailed account about the project and its history on our website at


Wheelchair to Zimbabwe Brought in by Visitor
Marshall Takaindisa, received his "new" (used) battery operated wheelchair. Marshall teaches at a sprawling school complex and, so far, has depended on others to push him around. But now he can get around by himself.
Wheelchair for Zimbabwe
Marshall Takaindisa


He asked for a wheelchair a few months ago. Finding a wheelchair was one thing-getting it into the country was quite another. Freight charges and customs duties are only part of the problem-the paperwork is quite daunting.


A wheelchair was found in South Africa and our visitor wheeled in in Zimbabwe into the hands of Marshall, who was absolutely thrilled to receive it. LifeNets paid for the wheelchair and this wheelchair will make a big difference in one man's life.


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LifeNets International
1227 Woodchase Trail
Batavia, Ohio 45103-2605

513 843-7744
513 201-8850
