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March 27,  2013                                                          Issue No. 20
In this issue  

Greetings!                                                      3,040


For those of us who volunteer to run LifeNets humanitarian programs, we are happy to say that it's been a real pleasure to be at it for almost 14 years now. Even before that we operated without being formally incorporated as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit. All of our workers are volunteers and do this in addition to their regular employment. All are driven by our Mission to help the disadvantaged in practical ways and help them become self-sufficient and pass their benefit on to others. We want to do a charity right!


There is never a lack of stories to report on, so we'll just give you a summary of a few LifeNets stories of recent date.


We were greatly saddened by the death of our dear friend Denny Luker on March 14th. Along with his wife LeeAnn and their families, they have ardently supported our international work, particularly our Developing Nations Scholarship Fund. Because of his loss, leaving a deep hole in our lives, we would like to memorialize him with our newly established LifeNets Dennis Luker Foundation.  


We have a special web set up for him within our LifeNets site at Those who are predisposed to help can donate there to projects that his wife LeeAnn will direct which will namely be in the name of current LifeNets education projects and yet an unnamed community project. 

Since our last eNews, I was able visit South Africa and attend a board meeting of the newly reorganized LifeNets affiliate in Pretoria.  LifeNets Southern Africa was founded on May 18, 2001 and we have been pleased as how it has worked with LifeNets International to serve humanitarian, social and educational needs in South Africa and Zimbabwe. One of the new programs is the "Live Clean" program run by Affiliate Chairman Monique Webster which is described below in the newsletter.


Enjoy the rest of our stories in the eNews below. Thank you so much for making LifeNets the success that it's been.     


                                                       Victor Kubik                                 




Victor Kubik
LifeNets, President 
South Africa: "Live Clean" Program
We are happy to announce a new program that will be administered by LifeNets Southern Africa. It will be called "Live Clean" and will start in the Johannesburg area.  Read more details on our Website at


The 'Live Clean' Program is to be presented to groups of vulnerable children in order to provide them with a message of hope and practical techniques for daily living in an attempt to alleviate emotional and mental suffering. It encourages living a 'clean life' free from the complications of bad choices and sin whilst acknowledging the role of past trauma and the difficulties faced in making 'clean choices.' 


Monique Webster
Monique Webster, Program Director

This program involves a facilitator who meets with a specific group of children on a regular basis (once a week or twice a month) and sparks discussion on various topics. Media content (videos) is to be used courtesy of which is accessible online and print media courtesy of; both of which are religious, Christian based content. Psychological concepts are incorporated into the program in order for facilitators to be sensitive to the children.


A guide called "A Parrot On Your Shoulder" is used for people starting to work with orphans and vulnerable children' and produced by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance. It outlines the sensitivities and considerations involved when working with children. Games outlined in the guide will be used at every contact session with the group if possible and relevant. 


The program director is Monique Webster, chairman of LifeNets Southern Africa.  

Program Outline

  • Introduction - parrot on my shoulder exercises
  • Live Clean BT daily  
  • Sanctity of life  
  • Victim mentality  
  • Respect authority

The program will start with the 'Live Clean' Beyond Today (BT) after the initial introduction session which sets the tone for the program: make clean/good/ sin free choices with Choice Theory. Then progressing especially to the Sanctity of Life BT.    

The program will make wide use BT Daily's which may actually work better as they are shorter and make more time for available for discussion.  


Topics focused on will be those that help children get out victim mentality, breaking the cycles of abuse etc starting with you regardless of your family background, respecting authority even if you don't like the person or think that they are right.


E-mail :
East Africa Goat Project 
The LifeNets East Africa Goat Project has positively touched the lives of many needy people. It has been received enthusiastically with the people in the drier areas where dairy cattle cannot do well since rainfall and pasture is inadequate. Many have anticipated the day when they would receive these wonderful gifts of milking goats.


The first aspect of the process has been to develop an animal husbandry program with direction from governmental agricultural leaders to assure health and longevity for the animals. Next, goat pens called "zero grazing units" have been constructed by recipients as part of their "buy in" showing commitment to the sustainability of the venture. Training sessions about goat keeping were developed taught to all recipients. Lastly, the locating of suitable high quality animals, their purchase, government registration and transport to waiting recipients has been quite a task.  The entire Project is complex yet is rolling out in a methodical manner in an effort to maximize every schilling that donors have contributed. 


-- John Elliott, East Africa LifeNets Coordinator


Update on the LifeNets East Africa Goat Project from its Director:  

We appreciate the wonderful love shown by those who funded this project in East Africa. We are pleased to report that many are 
benefiting from the East Africa Goat Project in Migori, Uchana Nyahera, Got Kachola and Bar Ober. We eventually want to expand the Goat Project

Purchased goats
Purchased goats

to also serve an additional eleven areas in Kenya and one in Tanzania.  


The Goat Project will help raise living standards once the goats start providing milk. Goat milk is extremely rich in protein and on high demand in areas where HIV and AIDS is common. There is a belief that goat milk boosts the body immunity for those affected. The goat manure will also be used in the farms as fertilizer.   

After passing on the first new-born female goat to another person, as is the policy of this Project, the rest can be sold and the money obtained thereof can be used by the members for their personal basic needs.  


As for now the challenges that the project faces are:

The high quality milking goats need protection and care to promote health and prevent disease. An important preliminary requirement is for each recipient to build a good goat barn, or "zero grazing unit."  We feel that such an effort also shows a commitment from the recipient to care for his or her animal. However, many cannot afford to construct one, while widows are assisted in doing so.  One solution has been to purchase local goats that are raised for butchering which need no shelter and cost very little by comparison.

Another challenge is finding the heavy milking goats for sale. The main availability is relatively far from the members and therefore involves hiring trucks to transport the goats. From Bar Ober where these goats are found to Got Kachola is over 350 km.. The demand for this type of milking goats is high and therefore getting an adequate supply from one location has been quite a challenge. This therefore makes it expensive to purchase and to transport.


Another challenge is that of inbreeding. Livestock disease outbreaks are common, and Vet. Officers are located far from the members to promptly address such cases in case there is an outbreak.  


Feeding management: A well-balanced diet and sufficient quantities of water are a challenge in some areas. Again, a solution is to purchase and provide local butchering goats which can manage okay on sparser food and water.


The members in UCG East Africa are happy and appreciate the Goat Project and are working hard to make it a success story. We appreciate the wonderful love to our brethren in East Africa. May God bless and keep you.

- Musa Nyaira

We Take on a New Orphanage in Zambia near Angola!

Much more here about the Chilemo Orphans Club


LifeNets has adopted yet another worthy orphan project. What we consider "worthy" is this:  

Goods delivered to Mufumbwe
Goods delivered to Mufumbwe by Derrick Pringle

The project needs to be already in progress and must show commitment of its organizers and supporters. It must show tangible positive results in helping its beneficiaries by being focused on service, sacrifice and love. When LifeNets sees an activity of this type with reliable organizers and managers who will communicate with us, we are desirous to help as we can now leverage a struggling activity that can be much more successful with our help. We have been evaluating the work of Joseph Kapatula in Mufumbwe, the western part of the country out towards Angola. We have found him to be the kind of person we want to work through because he has done an amazing job with the orphaned Zambian children in his area. Joseph Kapatula is a member of the United Church of God in Mufumbwe who unselfishly and with VERY LITTLE has been able to provide relief to orphaned chilren.  


I came across his work through our friend Derrick Pringle who lives with his wife Cherry in Kitwe, Zambia. They themselves have taken out supplies and food to the orphaned children on various occasions. Every time I visit the Pringles, they have more wonderful and inspiring stories to tell about Joseph Kapatula and his work. I asked Derrick to write a summary of his working with Joseph at the Chilemo Orphans Club in Mufumbwe:

Chilemo Orphans Club was registered with the Zambian government in 2012.  


The Club is managed by a full administrative board consisting of chairperson, vice-chairperson, treasurer, secretary and members. The area where the Club operates

Map of Mufumbwe
Red dot is the area of Mufumbwe near Angola.

is in Mufumbwe, located in the remote North/Western part of Zambia, some 200 kms from the Angola border. The beginnings of the Club is an interesting and inspiring story. It originated with the compassion of one man, Joseph Kapatula, in 1974. He was distressed with the plight of the orphans and the aged in his area. Although being a poor rural farmer, he established cassava (the roots are finely ground and then cooked), and vegetable fields to feed, not only orphans but the aged as well. Joseph states, "I started experiencing a lot of challenges because most of the people were being directed to me for help." With more people coming for aid he increased the size of his fields to grow maize and collected money to not only feed but to market the produce to assist in clothes and school fees. Joseph initially would house the orphans but as the numbers grew he started placing them under the care of other families in the district, still being responsible for their needs. This was good strategy, as now the children could grow up in a homely atmosphere getting individual attention.            

Joseph and son
Joseph Kapatula (left) and son
I first met Joseph in 2011 when he took me on a tour of the villages where orphans and the aged were placed. I have lived all my life in Africa where poverty is so prevalent that one develops a sense of apathy. I could not but be overwhelmed by the state of young and old alike. Small children only clothed in torn, dirty shirts, an old blind lady covered with a thin, worn out blanket living in a hut with holes in the roof and just a general state of despair all round. I noticed how the children loved Joseph and how he responded with kind words and a tender touch.

I contacted Mr Victor Kubik, President of LifeNets, who took an immediate interest and donated $500. My wife and I scrounged more cash and purchased blankets, soap, sugar, cooking oil, toothbrushes and paste, salt, exercise books and had some money over for school fees for some of the older children. We could also pay for someone to repair the old lady's roof!

These donations were well received and letters of appreciation came from the Committee and the Government District Aids department. There is still much we can do and I look forward to be working closely with Joseph and the Committee in bringing some comfort and constructive aid to a people in dire need.


- Derrick Pringle 

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