March 19,
2010 Issue
No. 10

This is our first eNews of the year. Looking
back, 2009 was our best year ever in positive
outcomes in all programs and services. We derive
great joy in seeing people make significant
headway with education, mobility, livelihood
development, access to clean water and the other
areas that we engage.
We will mail out
the 2009 Annual Report
by mid-April giving our financials and
summary of programs. You can always our
reports and I-990 forms on Guidestar at We thank EVERYONE
who has contributed financially or who has
provided volunteer support. We thank people
who have organized special events or have
provided a
collection jar (Change for Change) at work
or church to support LifeNets.
This past week we started an improved
blog at We now have
a team of tech-savvy people who write their
own blogs who want to help. One need we
still have is for someone proficient in
editing Cascade Style Sheets (CSS). We want
to make improvements to our blog layout.
We find that people vary in how they
like to be informed. Some like a eNewsletter
like this one, some follow blogs and RSS
feeds, some visit our Website while still
others hang around Facebook and / or
combination of the above.
Our Facebook Fan Page list stands at
1448 fans. More and more people are inviting
their friends to join. We greatly appreciate
the encouraging remarks to our postings. Remember, you can see all of our eNewsletters at
Thanks for your interest in LifeNets! We
appreciate you making LifeNets your charity of
Victor Kubik
Ukraine President Yuschenko Visits Our Chernobyl
On January 11, 2010, near the end of his term, the
President of Ukraine, Victor
Yuschenko, visited the "Revival" Centre of
Rehabilitation in Chernihev, Ukraine. LifeNets has
been on the ground floor of establishing and
supporting this wonderful Center
for disabled children. We've been working with the
founding doctors since 1996. Our work there has
opened the doors to everything else that we've done
with LifeNets. Our history can be found at
While he was giving a tour to the President, in
the choreographic wing of the Centre, Director
Dr. Pasichnyk pointed out the plaque on the wall
showing the names of the LifeNets donors who
contributed to the construction of this wing.
The President in a very pleasant way
acknowledged the work of LifeNets with the
Rehabilitation Center.
On January 13, the President invited Dr.
Pasichnkyk's wife Natalya to Kiev to present with
her with a special service award for her efforts as
a neurologist and a founder of the "Revival
Filipinos Aided in Aftermath of Super Typhoon
Super typhoon Parma raged for several weeks
in October/November 2009 and claimed more than 1100
lives in the Philippines. You can see the tracking
of the storm as
pounded the northern part of the nation.
LifeNets assisted a number of families, mostly
in San Fabian,
Pangasinan, about 150 miles north of
Manila, who either lost their homes or suffered
severe storm and flood damage. We helped a few
get their small back enterprises back up and
Here are the comments from the people who
were assisted by LifeNets after they had
been damaged by the flooding:
"We used the money to hire additional help
to clean the mud from our belongings like
furniture, appliances and even the whole
house. We also bought food for the
family." - San Fabian, Pangasinan
"The amount given to us, we bought
food, clothing and school uniforms to
replace the damaged ones. The rest we
used to re-start our uling (charcoal)
repacking and selling business." -widow
with 3 children from San Fabian,
"The money was used for our
daily expenses, purchased school
supplies and clothes for the
children. The rest was used for our
household expenses."
"We used the money to
re-open our small store which
went under water during the
flooding". - family in San
Fabian, Pangasinan
used the financial
assistance to buy clothes
for our family especially
our five-month baby. We also
bought much needed food for
our family." - from San
Fabian, Pangasinan
Story on
Web at
Mobility is More Than "Convenience" for
Patuma in Balaka, Malawi
responded to a plea for mobility from Patuma Wyson
in Balaka, Malawi through our representative
Wordsworth Rashid. The two photos below tell it
all. Mobility isn't just "convenience."
It's a new ife. The couple in the right-hand photo is
our beloved Dr. Sam Chilopora and his wife Esther
who run the Chizeni Clinic and LifeNets Orphan Care
Before: "Mobility" for
After: LifeNets
Boot Scoot Fundraiser for Scholarship Program
March 6, 2010
The 2010 Ft. Worth Boot Scoot and Barbecue was a lot
of fun and the most successful of the three that
we've held in Ft. Worth, Texas. It raised money for
scholarships for students in Malawi,
Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Botswana, Ghana and
other places. About 145 people were registered for
the barbecue dinner...up from 100 last year. $6300
was raised for the LifeNets Developing Nations
Scholarship Fund which is about 10% of our annual
The evening started with a barbecue
beef rib and chicken dinner, followed great
music from Soundpost, silent auction
and presentation by Kelli Hogg, Bev Kubik and
Larry Cleveland who established the Ruth Ann
Cleveland Memorial Scholarship Fund.It was
started with $1150 in donations. The silent
auction contained many valuable and fun items
and was well-visited. The big items raffled off
were a 42 inch TV, netbook computer and a cedar
Currently LifeNets is providing more
than 40 student scholarships at an average
cost of $1550 per year. Some scholarships
include extras such as a bicycle for
transportation which is more cost effective
in the long run than public transportation.
For our Computer Science and some other
students we provide laptop computers.
While many people helped make this a
great event, we want to give special thanks
to Brenda and Willis Hogg and their daughter
Kelli for putting their whole heart into
organizing this event. We give special
thanks to Soundpost, a great Ft. Worth band
for the great music and the fun spirit that
filled the entire evening.
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Contact Information
3707 Turfway Ct.
Indianapolis, IN 46228-2095
317 216-0802
317 216-0802
317 679-7676
317 679-7676 mobile/sms