History of JohJan LifeNets Academy

by John Otieno Owak

January 2013

JohJan LifeNets Academy was started in the year 2008 as a private school with the following aims:

  • Helping the community to get the quality basic education for their children.
  •  Also it was started after the observation that there was no school around the community that is reachable to the younger children of the school age.
  • To help our Church member’s Children to avoid going to School on Sabbath day and during God’s Holy Days, as it is a must in Government Schools that the pupils have to go to School on Sabbath days
  •  After observing how orphans are suffering after their responsible parents passed away, the founder and Director of JohJan LifeNets Academy was emotionally moved and decide to start a School where this orphans can learn freely and get basic quality Education to help them in the future.

These did motivate the Founder and Director to start a School by renting and renovate buildings nearby and to start a school as from baby class to class three, by the December 2007.as per the photos bellow.

First Classrooms 2008


With these in mind. That in development of the child foundation for later learning and formal education period between two to eight years is very important. In early child care and development includes all the support a young child requires in order to thrive. Access to quality education remains critical throughout the developing world even though the resources needed for the provision are shrinking. This includes appropriate nutrition, health, stimulation, communication, education, safe and protection, affection appropriate modeling and time to assimilate and grow to the age of 8 years.

Pre-primary is a pillar to individual and social development. By involving everyone with a stake in educational outcome-children, teachers, parents, community members and government officials will demonstrate how quality needs to be improved in areas occupied by under privileged communities. And this compels JohJan LifeNets Academy to give the children between 2 to 15 years time to realize their future potential by providing a learning facilities within their reach.


Our main objective is to improve a child development status which can be done by quality care experience, experimentation, observation, reflection, study and instruction. The care programmed is supporting child development through child, friendly, family focused and community based. This is done to.

  • Offer opportunities to care for self.
  • Offer chance to develop some independence.
  • Opportunities for taking responsibility and making choices
  • Encouragement to be creative
  • Opportunities to learn co-operation, helping and teamwork
  • Reinforcement for academic achievement
  • Play with other children
  • Offer opportunity for questioning


JohJan LifeNets Academy is privately owned institution and has been registered with the Ministry of Education.

To improve the child access to quality education and reinforce the academic achievement for the Childs’ future,

To assist the children of the disabled persons, orphans, children from the poor family and children whom have been orphaned due to the HIV/AIDS epidemic which is very high in loose of life in Nyanza region.

Johjan LifeNets Academy is open for both children from the able and disabled families who are not able to find a good quality of education from the dedicated teachers.

Johjan LifeNets Academy finally seeks to be at its full operation in the future, and they mainly stand to achieve the expected goals.


Seek to give value to education, physical growth, mental growth and emotional growth, to reduce illiteracy to zero level by the year 2030 as the country millennium goals.

Present situation:.  
At present JohJan LifeNets Academy have about 230 pupils and 11 teachers, Driver, cook, Operation director and Managing director. As per now we have full School as from baby class to class eight by next year 2013. This has been achieved by the assistance from the LifeNets Organization  that enable JohJan LifeNets Academy to have new permanent 11 Classrooms that can accommodate pupils to the number of 400, we also have a school Van and computer class well equipped with computers as  per the photos below

New classrooms and pre-unit graduates in 2012 standing on the school compound


Computer Classroom with computers assistance from LifeNets Organization

JohJan Pupils performing poem during closing day.


JohJan LifeNets School Van

As from the time JohJan got the assistances from the donors through LifeNets Organization, JohJan School has been doing well academically and pupils are performing well, as per the last joint examination within the County, JohJan Pupils were ranked in position 6 out of 24 School those who did the same examination, we have a hope that by the time we will have completed this our Boarding facility, our pupils will be up graded by extra tuition and evening teaching where by this will be possible since pupils will be available to be taught even very early in the morning to improve their academic slandered.

Need for the boarding facility:

Due to the high demand from the public and parents who wants their children to learn at JohJan LifeNets Academy, but they are far off some in the neighboring country of Tanzania, JohJan LifeNets Academy has potential need to have boarding facility of which will accommodate those pupils from far areas where they will be boarding and learn at JohJan LifeNets Academy.

A Private School that has boarding facilities has the potential to attract pupils of quality (economically) from all over the country. Moreover, with boarding facilities, it becomes much easier to control academic, social and spiritual environments under which a child’s character is molded.
There have been many cases of girls in day schools dropping out of school as a result of unwanted pregnancies. This has been due to teachers demand on children’s extra time in the evenings so that they can complete the syllabus. Unfortunately as these children walk back home late, ill opportunities crop up that girl children fall victims to. Some children walk long distances to school. Moreover some unscrupulous “Boda boda” (public cycle, public transport) operators take advantage of poverty stricken pupils enticing them with goodies and free lifts. Once done with, the girls simply get home late with the excuse that they had been attending late evening classes at school. In other words it is not easy for either parents or teachers to monitor children’s activities under day school conditions. This is why JohJan LifeNets Academy is requiring assistance to complete it’s Boarding facility which is under construction as per now.

This also will enable JohJan Academy to have meet it’s goal of Self-Sustainability comes it’s time when the School will be with many paying pupils to cater for the School expenditure needs. With the realization of good returns in investment, it is our desire to have boarding facilities and to expand. The growth and expansion of the School will have contributed to the regional and national goal of striving to ensure equity of access to basic education.

The Picture below shows the uncompleted dormitory as per now.
