Linet Aoko

August 28, 2011

Linet is a Bachelor of Arts student at the University of Nairobi and is doing her 2nd academic year. She does most of her studying at home; goes to the university during the months of April, August and December when the rest of the students are on recess. She tells me her classes involve carrying out revision with the lecturers and then taking an exam. If one scores good grades, one is allowed to proceed with the following semester. If one does not score good grades; one is allowed to redo the paper in question. Thankfully Linet has been doing wonderfully well. 


Her first vision was to train as a Nurse, but she knew that would conflict with Sabbath-keeping and present unnecessary challenges. She prayed to God and he guided her current choice.

Linet tells me that her vision of University level education nearly collapsed. Her husband was more than willing to do everything possible to help her. Due to a low salary, he was forced to apply for loans to educate her. When Rose Helen McDowell and Judy Servidio appeared, their application for loan had been turned down twice. They were making plans for the 3rdattempt when help finally arrived. She remains very thankful and agrees it was a miracle that God performed in her life. She is very touched by the generosity of the brethren behind her scholarship. “May God bless them bountifully”, she says.

Linet tells me she will now be preparing for the 5th Semester which ends in Dec 2010, followed by the 6th semester that ends in August 2011. Completion of the entire course and graduation is expected by end 2011.

In May this year; she will be expected to look for a school to allow her field attachment for Practice.

Linet is very thankful to God. She has seen His hand in her life and continues to expect more miracles from Him. She and her husband, and indeed the whole family, say a a big thank you from the heart to the team sacrificing for this scholarship.