LifeNets Helps Family
with Extreme Makeover of
Habitat in Illinois


Updated January 23, 2022

Habitat For Humanity inspired this action by our church to do a makeover for a home to give a large challenged family a decent and dignified place to live.

Posted May 26, 2009

Some time back a large family in Illinois underwent extreme hardship. Their living conditions were unfit.  Serious fixing up was necessary. 

A donor stepped up at a most opportune time to help provide financing for lumber, paint and other building materials. With Church work parties and everyone's involvement an extreme makeover was made as you can see in the photos below. 

The family has moved into the house, and are pretty well along in fixing it up. There is still some trim work to be completed and cabinets to be installed, but it really is a nice, cozy home.  This summer they plan to add on another bedroom.  

The whole family really appreciates the assistance from LifeNets, the Church, both financially and (especially) for everyone's help to pitch in and work on the roof, interior, windows, etc. It has made quite a difference in the family.  The kids really have a sense of ownership and wanting to take care of their home.

What the home is like NOW!

What the home was like before: