Christina Davis along with other teens in the Portland, Oregon area helped LifeNets with a lifesaving project in 2006. Her project raised $5000 to help provide mosquito nets for distribution through LifeNets projects in Malawi and Zambia. Her desire is to continue to help LifeNets provide for poverty-stricken areas in Africa.
UPDATED February 5, 2006
More photos of the Cherry fundraiser in Oregon for Nets Save Lives
UPDATED February 7, 2007
From Christina...
I am thrilled to report that our latest fundraising project brought in about $4000 for our Nets Save Lives project. This corresponds to about 800 nets for our Balaka, Malawi community. This was truly a group activity that could not have happened without the generous support of many. A local cherry farmer, Ron and Judy McNeill, provided us with over 11,000 pounds of cherries at a reduced price. This years crop was amazing. The McNeills were blessed with almost 4 times their usual yield and the fruit was perfect. The local Portland United Church of God teen group helped run two fruit stands for a week and we also were able to sell fruit directly to two large supermarkets. We were also invited to sell cherries during a Beach Boys concert. In a few weeks we will know exactly how much money was raised. Many local organizations helped us in our efforts. Oregon had record breaking temperatures, but a beverage distribution center let us use their cooler to store our cherries. At one point we had 14 teenagers and parents, wearing coats, packing cherries in the cooler for Stein Distributing while it was 108 outside. Wal-Mart also allowed us to sell in front of one of their stores for one week. After we were finished they said we had increased their overall sales and want us to present to their corporate headquarters about the benefits of allowing charities to use their facilities.
When I started this project I had a goal of $5000 or 1000 nets. This seemed like an overwhelming task at the time. I am so encouraged that we have nearly accomplished our goal and am looking forward to setting my sights even higher.This money will reach Malawi just in time for the coming wet season when the mosquito infestation and malaria epidemic is creating the greatest problems. Please keep signing up for the Albertson's community partners program.A huge thanks to everyone for the continued support!
UPDATED February 5, 2007
Kimberly Schuster, a college student at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon, is very enthusiastic about working with LifeNets.During the cherry fundraiser, one of Kimberly’s involvements, was to help organize and run the cherry sales in front of the Wal-Mart store. Kimberly, along with her sister Kourtney, worked with David Browning and other teens to man the Wal-Mart booth.
Kimberly has bigger plans yet to help raise funds for LifeNets. In addition to working with Christina Davis on this year's cherry fundraiser. Kimberly has set the ball rolling to tie in Lions International on some very unique fundraisers, like Lunch Specials Today and Dinner Specials Today. These innovative and self-motivating fundraisers will kick off in about February/March of this year. More will be coming about this later.
In addition to Kimberly wanting to bring about community awareness of how LifeNets can work with Lions International. She is enthusiastic about continuing to help raise monies for mosquito nets and drilling wells to provide fresh drinking water and irrigation in water-starved Africa.
UPDATED March 10, 2006
Look, print and pass this poster around in PDF (requires Adobe Acrobat)
From Christina....
I am very excited that we received approval from Albertson’s to be an Albertson’s Community Partner. If you have an Albertson’s, Sav-On Drugs, or Osco Drug near you, Albertson’s will donate a percentage of everything you spend at these stores to our Nets Save Lives project. Just follow the instructions below to get this started. We want to get as many people involved in this as possible. It is a little confusing getting it set up but I will help in any way I can. Please email me at with any questions.
My varsity swim season is winding to a close. We have been selling concessions at our home swim meets and have raised about $80. We had a very exciting meet last night and finished the regular season tied for first place with 7 wins and 1 tie. Special thanks to Kimberly and Courtney Schuster and my dad, Howard Davis, for selling concessions.
Albertson’s/Sav-On Drugs/Osco Drug instructions:
1. To register on-line
Go to
Click on “In the Community” link
Click on the icon for “Community Partners” on the right side of the page
Log in or register your Albertsons Preferred Savings Card
Click on “My Account”
Click on “Community Partners” to add a new partner
Enter the LifeNets Community Partner ID#: 49001010985
2. If you have an Albertson’s Preferred Savings Card, I can notify Albertson’s that you would like to have LifeNets as your Community Partner. All I need is your First Name, Last Name, phone number and Albertson’s Preferred Savings Card. Just email me this information at
3. If you don’t have an Albertson’s Preferred Savings Card, you will need to apply for one. You may get one at any Albertson’s store or you can apply on-line. It takes about four weeks for the card to become activated, however, you can expedite that process by calling 877 932-7948 and ask for Customer Service to register your card more quickly to use the Community Partner link.
UPDATED December 15, 2005
I am very excited that we have had our first donations to Nets Save Lives!We have had some generous cash donations and I am in the process of setting up some fund raising projects. I swim on a varsity swim team. It is our high school swim season and we are going to be selling concessions at our meets to raise money for this project.I have also contacted Albertsons grocery store to establish Nets Save Lives as one of their Community Partners. Basically, Albertsons will donate a percentage of all purchases to our project when the Community Partner card is presented to the cashier when purchasing items at their stores. Once this is in place, I will post more details on how people can help support us through this program.I would love to encourage anyone who has any money making ideas or opportunities to contact me at This is such an important issue and nets really do save lives!
Thank you again for all your support and help. I love being involved with LifeNets.Christina
Posted October 14, 2005
Here is the first of Christina's reports:
One million people in Africa die from malaria each year, with about 90% of these deaths occurring in children under 5 years old. This means that a child dies about every 30 seconds from malaria. The vast majority of these children contract malaria from mosquitoes. According to the 2003 Africa Malaria Report, providing nets for these children to sleep under is considered one of the most effective prevention measures. For about $5 a piece LifeNets can provide urgently needed nets for these children.
My name is Christina Davis. I am 17 years old and a senior at David Douglas High School in Portland, Oregon. I have a very full and exciting life with school, my friends and family, church activities and playing sports. However, I don’t believe my life is complete without trying to make a difference in someone else life. I have been very blessed and I really want to try to be a blessing to others as well. My mother and I have been sponsoring support for children in Africa and Mexico since I was about six years old.
This need for nets is immediate and I believe that a small amount of money can make a huge difference for these people. It is now the start of the malaria season and nets need to be provided as soon as possible. It is my desire to begin a fundraising program called “Nets Save Lives” to raise money so LifeNets can provide nets to children through their local contacts in Africa. It really is a difference between life and death for millions of people.
Christina has also been busy raising money for Katrina relief
Working for Clackamas County Tourism Development.
In front of the Clackamas Safeway on Sunday, October 2 for the Hurricane relief.