April 7, 2004
Dear LifeNets Friends,
Today you made a difference. A woman in Malawi who suffered a stroke and had no options to earn money sewed clothes for sale because you donated money that purchased a sewing machine. A child received medicines today to combat dysentery and malaria - and a whole village that used to bury a child each year has not lost one since they began receiving medicine that you helped pay for.
Today you made a difference. Twenty tons of medical equipment and supplies is being offloaded at the port city of Odessa, Ukraine and is to be transported to the Revival Centre that helps rehabilitate children who suffer from the effects of radiation from the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl. Their building is being enlarged to handle more of the affected children because you decided to donate and share your joy with others.
Today you made a difference. Young people on three continents (with horrible unemployment rates) attended classes that make it possible for them to earn a living and become leaders in their communities because they received help with their tuition and book fees. That help came from you.
In every case, LifeNets works with people we know and trust to administer these programs. We teach those who receive help to become a source of help to others and thereby "pass on the gift." This approach builds a sense of purpose, honor and respect in those we help. Other humanitarian organizations have given access to us to programs where we pay a few pennies on the dollar for medicines - and your giving is multiplied by their generosity. Thousands of dollars in shipping costs are paid by the United States Department of Defense and State Department so more of the funds you donated were spent purchasing humanitarian aid and went to the actual goods and were not consumed by transportation costs.
This issue of LifeLines brings news from many of the ten major programs currently supported by you. I want you to know that every day someone benefits from the donations you make to LifeNets. We deeply appreciate the support you have given. With your continued support we can do more to make a difference in the lives of people who only need a chance. You've been the chance for many and can yet give that chance to more.
Today you made a difference. Tomorrow you can make that difference in the lives of new people. Thank you for your continued support. It means everything to all of us who serve with you in sharing hope with others.
Victor Kubik
PS: On April 2, 2004 the US Internal Revenue Service granted LifeNets permanent status as a 501 (c) (3) public charity. This completes the mandatory four-year provisional time period and we appreciate this important recognition by the US government.
3707 Turfway Court × P.O. Box 88165 × Indianapolis, IN 46208
317 216-0802
See the April 1, 2004 newsletter!