June 3, 2003
To communicate better with our volunteers, donors, and friends who are making a significant difference for needy people in developing nations, we are starting a bi-monthly newsletter. In our first one we can only cover a few of our dozen diverse projects. In coming issues we will talk about what we are doing in Zambia, Malawi, Ukraine and other areas of Latin America. We have been excited about how we have not only been able to collect, but more importantly, effectively distribute aid. Supporters such as you make this all possible.
On July 13th the Ambassador Bible Center in Cincinnati, Ohio will host a benefit dinner, evening of entertainment and an auction for LifeNets Developing Nations Scholarship Fund similar to what they did last year. Many are pitching in to help, including Cincinnati Kroger stores who are providing the food for this event. Last year’s event paid a full year’s university tuition for three young people in El Salvador who would not otherwise have been able to study for a profession. Our fund now supports more than 30 people going to school and we need to sustain this good work.
You may want a friend to receive this and future newsletters. To do so, please send us their name and address in the enclosed return envelope and we will see that they receive information about LifeNets projects.
Thank you so much for your interest and support!
See our first newsletter!
Victor Kubik