August 5, 2003
Your support of LifeNets continues to make a difference in the everyday lives of people. In many ways you have tilted the balance for those that you may never meet, but who will never forget your help.
Take, for example, a request LifeNets received to fund the digging of a well on one man’s property in drought-ridden Nyanyara, Malawi. When we were first approached, we asked the question, “Why should we pay for a well for the benefit of one family?”
Our decision to fund the project was made when we heard the answer. “This man is sharing the well with his entire village.” Women who once had to carry water for two miles each way now have access to clean water right in their own village.
LifeNets seeks to give people a “hand up” instead of just a “hand out.” If people become self-sufficient, the quality of their own lives improves. When those we help then help others, the quality of life for them and their neighbors is transformed. It is exciting to see recipients become donors themselves. Where possible, expecting recipients to pass along the benefits of your gifts to their communities is an expression of one of our foundational values: “Each one to help another.” The example of this man and his well helping sixty of his neighbors is a practical illustration of the way of give; it is indeed more blessed to give than to receive.
Thanks for your interest in and support of our programs. You can help us right now in two ways: First, we depend on your continued support. Second, would you also pass along the second copy of the enclosed LifeLines newsletter to someone you know with your recommendation that they consider supporting LifeNets? Feel free to use the enclosed envelope to let us know of anyone else who should receive our newsletter.
Victor Kubik
See our second newsletter!