September 9, 2004
Dear Donors and Friends of LifeNets,
We have completed five exciting years helping with the development of individuals and communities. Each year our capacity to help has increased. Hundreds of individuals, especially children, have benefited. Communities have been transformed.
Reports from Zambia show that the 24 cattle we purchased in 2002 have now doubled! Every goal of that project has been met and more. The first-born calf is passed on to a neighbor, thereby helping the broader community recover from the devastating disease that killed so many of their cattle.
In Malawi on August 31, Rotary International turned over two brand-new ambulances to the two clinics that LifeNets helped build. It was a joyous day at the Toyota dealership, the culmination of three years of waiting for the ambulances. This will help increase the capacity of these clinics to serve the community.
In northern Brazil this month we are buying four cows for a poor community. Twenty children will now receive milk in their basic nutrition. We put out the word for the need and the funds came within two weeks.We recently traveled to Western Ukraine and personally saw how 40 street children have been given hope and transformed by a program that gives them food, education, and loving kindness. Your support has changed their young lives.
These stories excite us. We thank you for trusting us to make your contributions work in the most effective way by leveraging each dollar many times. Through partnering and networking with Rotarians, Medical Missionaries, the U.S. government and others, your support is multiplied. Thank you for making us your charity of choice.
Now we want to focus on two major projects for the coming year and ask for your special attention.The first is the Developing Nations Scholarship Fund. For an average of $750 a year, we can send a young adult to university in countries such as El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru. This program is one of our best values in that your gift literally gives a young person opportunity that he or she would not otherwise have. To date most all students who began the program go on to complete their education. We have received many letters of gratitude from the students. This benefits them and their communities for the rest of their lives. It is one of our more expensive programs, costing us $35,000 a year, yet one that we are committed to maintain.
The other is the “Revival” Centre for the Medical/
Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Children in Chernihev, Ukraine. My humanitarian work started with helping establish this center in 1995. It opened in 1996, 10 years after the world’s worst nuclear disaster. It is now treating the children of the children of Chernobyl, where the number of cases of cerebral palsy, epilepsy and central nervous system disorders are way above the norm. For almost nine years we have been friends with Dr. Vasil Pasichnyk, the head pediatrician in the Chernobyl area during the 1986 disaster. From modest beginnings this center has developed into an island of hope and a has become a model for others to emulate. But for every child this center helps, there several more needy children who are waiting to be treated but cannot due to a lack of space and money.
We are in the midst of a capital campaign to complete the last phase of the “Revival” Center. The entire project will cost $200,000. LifeNets committed to provide $50,000. The remainder is being financed by the Ukrainian government and a British charity. We have provided half our committed amount and are hopeful that as the year 2005 approaches, we can provide another $25,000. This construction will make it possible to care for 100 more children per month and provide for 30 children who can stay overnight.Can you help us? Those who make a contribution of $50 or more will have their names on a special plaque to be placed in the new section of the center.
I invite you to consider supporting these and other LifeNets' activities with your donations. If you’d like more information beyond what is on our Web site at www.lifenets.org, please call me directly at 888-821-0095.
In deep appreciation,
Victor Kubik
President, LifeNets
PS: Please use the enclosed yellow form to make a contribution for the above mentioned projects. Also, on the form you can add interested friends to our regular newsletter.
3707 Turfway Court × P.O. Box 88165 × Indianapolis, IN 46208
317 216-0802