2002 Initiative
for the Philippines
December 19, 2001 update
Year 2001 initiative
Report on year 2000 projects in the Philippines
Photos of camp in 2000
February 12, 2002
We're making progress helping out in the Philippines. Clyde Kilough, LifeNets volunteer and Philippines coordinator returned February 4th from a trip to the Philippines. He delivered nearly 100 pairs of brand new reading glasses donated by LensCrafter through Lynn Fox of the Salt Lake City United Church of God.
In late December LifeNets donated $2000 for the April camp in Mindanao. We plan to coordinate further relief and livelihood development programs.
Here are portions of Clyde's report:
February 6, 2002
Hi Vic,
Got back Sunday night...the glasses from LensCrafters went over well. The elders divided them among their areas, and I was in Bacolod City last city when Florante Siopan announced that he had a dozen or so pairs for members there. They were snatched up immediately and eagerly. He kept the bulk to take to Leyte, where the members are less well off. "Well off" is relative, of course.
There was an article in one of the Manila papers reporting that in the year 2000, 4 in 10 Filipinos lived on 38 pesos per day - 50 pesos equals one dollar. Some of the LensCrafters glasses had price tags on them for US retail stores - $18.95 each! So to be able to get a pair of reading glasses of that quality would be next to impossible for most of these folks, even the ones with good jobs.
I also had a good opportunity to explain to the elders and board members about LifeNets - gave each one a printout of six pages from the the LifeNets website as well. There were some preliminary ideas and personal situations they put forward in a brief brainstorming session.
They were all very enthused about the potential for LifeNets helping out, and the type of help that may be available. The elders and members alike were also very pleased that LifeNets reaches out widely to groups and people in need.
Warm regards,