LifeNets Girl Scouts Philippines Water Tank Project

Posted March 10, 2013

In July 2012 LifeNets was approached about a critical need for the Girl Scouts Camp in the Philippines (GSP) in Davao City where UCG's annual fall festival is held. 500 people gather here every fall and that number of people overwhelms the water supply. The GSP Camp was originally built in the mid '70s with a water service inlet pipe diameter just suitable for its very small size then. More water storage capacity was needed and LifeNets agreed to fund the cost of increasing the supply for this greater good. The GSP would also appreciate the extra capacity as well and were very happy that LifeNets would help out in this way. 2 water tanks

The best remedy to this problem was to install stainless steel water tanks at the second floor roof level adjacent to each of the two dormitory buildings. Electric water pumps were also installed to fill the overhead water tanks during the night (and at less than peak hours) to keep them always full.

Estimated cost for the two stainless steel water tanks, their supporting steel structures, piping, electric motor pumps, plus labor costs was about $5,000. This will also serve as LifeNet's goodwill donation the Girl Scous of the Philippines. GSP is considered a reputable charitable semi-government organization serving the Philippines in this region. It helps with character development, citizenship programs, and leadership training among our people for about a hundred years now. The United Church of God is already considered and recognized by them as contributors to their development, for which they were awarded a plaque of appreciation and recognition several years ago.

The work was done from August 13-20, 2012. Two 2000 liter water tanks were installed. We thank Daniel Macaraeg who has communicated this information to and to Rex Hart Valdez who took the photos showing how the project unfolded from start to finish. The work was supervised by Ed and Charles Macaraeg. We also thank Earl Roemer, senior pastor for the Philippines for coordinating the funding from LifeNets to the beneficiaries.

The construction was done voluntarily by members of the United Church of God. This significantly cut costs and were able to stay within the $5000 budget and be done before the Fall Festival.

We received a beautiful book of thanks from the Filipino people showing appreciation to LifeNets for providing this significant comfort of WATER when all 500 of them met in September 2013 and will continue to be of service for years to come.

Daniel Macaraeg's last message of September 7, 2012 reads as folllows:


I've assembled some of the photos (from Charles' Facebook Profile) that were taken of the two (2) 2000-liter water tanks donated by LifeNets that were installed at the top of two of the GSP buildings. You can see the progression of work here. (as well as viewing the YouTube video on right)

As of last week, all structural work is now 100% complete -- the water tanks are now mounted on the buildings.

The plumbing of the tank on the Training Center Dormitory (where the meeting hall is located) is 90% complete.

The plumbing of the tank on the White Dormitory Building is still ongoing. This should be completed ahead of schedule.

My Dad and my brother Charles have been the ones who have been overseeing the work on this project. Those working there are all UCG church members.

We are very grateful to Mr. Kubik and the LifeNets organization for this donation, which will help many during the Feast.

Warmest regards,

Daniel Macaraeg
