LNLive Clean!

February 27, 2013


We are happy to announce a new program that will be administered by LifeNets Southern Africa. It will be called "Live Clean" and will start in the Johannesburg area.

The ‘Live Clean’ Program

The ‘Live Clean’ Program is to be presented to groups of vulnerable children in order to provide them with a message of hope and practical techniques for daily living in an attempt to alleviate emotional and mental suffering. It encourages living a ‘clean life’ free from the complications of bad choices and sin whilst acknowledging the role of past trauma and the difficulties faced in making ‘clean choices’.

MoniqueMonique Webster

This program involves a facilitator who meets with a specific group of children on a regular basis (once a week or twice a month etc.) and sparks discussion on various topics. Media content (videos) is to be used courtesy of www.beyontoday.tv which is accessible online and print media courtesy of www.verticalthought.org; both of which are religious, Christian based content. Psychological concepts are incorporated into the program in order for facilitators to be sensitive to the children.

A guide called "A Parrot On Your Shoulder." It is for people starting to work with orphans and vulnerable children’ and produced by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance. It outlines the sensitivities and considerations involved when working with children. Games outlined in the guide will be used at every contact session with the group if possible and relevant.

The program director is Monique Webster, chairman of LifeNets Southern Africa.

Program Outline

  • Introduction – parrot on my shoulder exercises
  • Live Clean BT daily
  • Sanctity of life
  • Victim mentality
  • Respect authority

The program will start with the ‘Live Clean’ Beyond Today after the initial introduction session which sets the tone for the program: make clean/good/ sin free choices with Choice Theory. Then progressing especially to the Sanctity of Life BT.

The program will make wide use BT Daily's which may actually work better as they are shorter and make more time for available for discussion.

Topics focused on will be those that help children get out victim mentality, breaking the cycles of abuse etc starting with you regardless of your family background, respecting authority even if you don’t like the person or think that they are right.

Website www.lifenets.org
E-mail : jandmwebster@yahoo.co.nz
