a visit by Vic and Bev Kubik on October 8, 2001
Some of the young residents of the Home.
Left: One of the two dorms.
(There's a boys' and a girls' dorm.)
Right: The hall used for special gatherings
Home for the animals that the kids help to cultivate.
The colorful work of volunteers.
Outside of the dining hall: Australian volunteer Murray Hansen, Bev Kubik and and Manyowa Karimazondo, a bright young man who grew up at the Home and was planning on going to medical school.
Australian volunteer Lisa Hansen helps in the garden underneath a blossoming Jacaranda tree, which aren't native to Zimbabwe but which are everywhere and make an impressive display every October. The office is in the background.
At work in the office
Australian volunteer Murray Hansen came to work at the Home for several months.
Bev with Mr. Mangobe, who retired at the end of October 2001 after several years of dedicated service as the Home's superintendent.
The children learn to raise and cultivate these chickens.
Customers come to have their maize ground at the mill at the Home, which helps to generate income.
In the maize-grinding mill.
Manyowa Karimazondo is one of the Home's shining stars. He grew up at the Home and did so well in school that he was planning to go to medical school.
Aussies help here!
Bev and Manyowa Karimazondo, who grew up at the Home, with the laundry building in the background
Staff members show off the beige school uniforms they've made with the Home's sewing machines, which are also used in a tailoring project to teach skills to the children
Sewing up some more school uniforms for the kids
It doesn't take much for the kids to have fun. Here, they play traditional African games.
The office
The back entrance to a dorm. Step inside here and you'll find a courtyard.
This is the Matthew Rusike, who started the Home with some grass huts in 1950.
One of the children help to tend the electric vat used to make sadza. Sadza is Zimbabwe's staple food -- maize meal and water cooked to the consistency of mashed potatoes. It's always eaten with a tasty side dish.
Staff members work in the kitchen.
Bev checks out the garden, where collard greens (called "rape" in Zimbabwe) is grown
Checking out the garden are Bev, volunteers and Manyowa Karimazondo, who grew up at the home
Bev and some tasty greens in the garden
Mr. Mangobe, the caring superintendent for many years, before he retired at the end of October 2001
Vic Kubik with Ireen and George Musoni. Ireen is the Home's bookkeeper. George teaches in the Home's Study Group (or school) where older children from the village prepare for their "O" level examinations. The Study Group generates income for the Home.
This little truck helps to do everything -- take kids to events, pick up donations, drive into downtown Harare for business, .... Everything!
The kids help tend to the Home's agricultural projects
Local customers wait for their maize to be ground in the Home's mill
Another view of the maize-grinding mill that generates income for the Home
Bev checks in on the sewing and tailoring project
These are the Independence Units where the older children stay