2015 LifeNets Scholarship for Brazil Awards

Posted May 17, 2015

LifeNets has awarded three scholarships to Brazilian students for the year 2015. We thank all who support this program. Tax-deductible contributions for this fine program can be made to LifeNets Scholarships.

Go to LifeNets Scholarships page

SaimonSaimon Lima Oliveira Silva –

Saimon has already complete two years of study and is in his third year towards a four year Technical High School diploma in Information technology. He is a member in Maloca de Moscou, Brazil and attends the State Technical High School ‘Padre José Monticone’ in the city of Mucajaí in Roraima, Brazil.  


Nayara Oliveira de Souza –  

Nayara is a first year student taking a Bachelor degree in Biological Sciences at the University of the North of Paraná in the city of Boa Vista in Roraima, Brazil. She is a member in Maloca de Moscou, Brazil.


MichelleMichelle Macedo –

Michelle is a first year student taking a Bachelor degree in Law at the Patos de Minas University in the city Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The LifeNets scholarship is a partial scholarship supplementing the parents contribution.

