Denny's Tractor in Thailand

June 25, 2014

In January of this past year the Luker Foundation working through LifeNets made a $10,000 to the the Legacy Foundation in Thailand for a much-needed tractor. It will be used to prepare soil for planting inside paddy sections.  A smaller tractor is best to operate in the limited space of each paddy.  To hire a tractor to do this job is expensive and they are big so they tend to destroy the built up sections that divide the paddies.Denny Tractor

What was purchased was a small 24 horsepower diesel tractor with power take off.  It has a good guarantee and local repair and assistance if needed. However, to make it useful, it needed a disc, tiller, grader blade and trailer to haul.

We just received the photo and announcement about the tractor:

Hello Vic and Bev,

Here is a picture of my son Bronson using the Kabota tractor now called the "Denny Tractor" in honor of Denny Luker, to till new soil for planting. We were able to recieve donations for a front blade and rear PTO tiller. It is fantastic!  We thank you and Mrs. Luker again and again for this very useful tool. We are calling it the "Denny Tractor."  Denny Luker probably would have never dreamed he would have a tractor named after him!!

Love to the family,

Leon and Gloria Sexton
