Summer 2015 Mission to Vinogradov, Ukraine

Camp: Teaching English, Music, Crafts

Last Updated January 25, 2016

For the seventh time in dight years LifeNets sponsored a two week program - this year from July 7 to July 28 to July 17, 2015 to teach English and provide support for a day camp at the Light of Love Mission in Ukraine. LifeNets has been supporting the work of Vasyl and Irina Polichko since 2001.

Vinogradov home

LifeNets home

Six US volunteers, Greg Rorem (group leader), Michala Lockwood, Cody Martin, Stephanie Zajac, Colin Kubik, Mark Philip Pebworth as well as Artur Aleksandrov from Estonia travelled on this very fulfilling mission. We would like to share reports and photos from all the participants As before, it was once again a remarkably successful project that benefited the children and those going from the United States. We will be adding photos and stories, so please come back here often.


REPORTS from the Participants:

Reports of Former LifeNets Missions to Vinogradov, Ukraine

Special thanks goes to Scott & Carolyn Scharpen of
The Scharpen Foundation
and the
Rock Valley Christian Church
for their support of the Vinogradov Program since 2001.
