Another Happy Wheelchair Story from LifeNets......

Updated June 13, 2014


This is me in my LifeNets Permobil. That's my buddy "Cutie" who likes going for rides in my power chair.

It's very early on Thursday morning, but I wanted to pop in and say thank you.

My batteries came in on a Monday and Ryan installed them on Tuesday. It makes so much more of a difference now. My other chair which is a 2009 TDX-SP has batteries that were installed in 2011. It had gotten to the point that I carried a charger everywhere. But now, I don't have to worry. The TDX goes into spare mode and my Permobil is rolling once again.

The gift and blessing of mobility is truly life changing and life empowering. You have given me back my independence and security.

For that I will be eternally grateful.


Cynthia Hill
