A Memorable Accomplishment

Borehole at Nalubanda North, Zambia  

Posted August 17, 2012

Ever since LifeNets has been working in Zambia we had a desire to sink a borehole at Nalubanda North in the Mumbwa region of Zambia in order to provide water for a remote community. But, we were told that the water table was deep and the ground hard. Other drilling efforts were unsuccessful and it would be an expensive proposition. The people who live in Nalubanda North have to walk miles for water and women and children spend a great deal of time carrying large containers, usually about five gallons on their heads. Water is a precious commodity and every drop is used.

That was then. What is now is that a LifeNets borehole has been successfully drilled on July 22, 2012 to the joy of a community of 100 people who will all benefit.  This outcome makes us at LifeNets extremely happy. 

Funding in the realm of $7000 for this borehole was provided providentially by the Russian-speaking Emmanuel our Savior Christian Mission and the Antonovich family of Portland, Oregon in particular.  Also, support came from the Church of Christians of the Sabbath Day.

I was contacted by Mission Director Vasyl Kutsyn several months back who told me that their mission wished to help provide water in Africa if we would be able to arrange for it.  They told us that they did this in partial gratitude for other work that LifeNets has done in Ukraine. 

We decided to take the chance of seeing if we could find water in Nalubanda North for their very needy community that we had been hoping to do for these years.

I'd like to pass along a few first-hand reports and from Maxwell and Joyce Kasakanbantu, the people on whose property the borehole is found.  

First a report from Wilson Nkhoma of Lusaka who writes:

July 24, 2012

Dear Victor,

Simon Banda is the member of our church I sent from Lusaka to accompany the borehole drilling firm to the Nalubanda North area,while I sent Armstrong Maninga from Kasumpa as part of my inspection team to be there when the borehole is being drilled.

When the rig arrived with our team, Maxwell ,who had been lying down sick with malaria suddenly revived because of the excitement and the community came to watch on this Sunday afternoon. They came to watch this drilling rig miracle unfolding before their very eyes! A crowd of about 100 people came to see and witness what they had now begun to ridicule Maxwell of something they said would never take place. They now witnessed what had been promised in April 2012. Maxwell and Joyce were all smiles......and the whole community rejoiced with them as it was a miracle for all of them to benefit from.

On Sunday, July 22 the drillers struck water.  They then installed the casings and the hand pump. They were done by 18:00 hrs, including the concreting. They instructed them to start drawing water today, 24th July to allow the concrete to dry. Everything took about 5 days to do. We avoided the Sabbath in between.  

On behalf of the community in Nalubanda North , Maxwell and Joyce with their family and on behalf of the United Church of God here in Zambia.....a very hearty THANK YOU!!!

May the Eternal God continue to bless and protect you.



Then on August 6, 2012 Wilson wrote this report from his and his wife Dorothy's personal visit from Lusaka to Nalubanda North.


Last Friday, 3rd August, Dorothy and I went to the Mumbwa area with Simon Banda for the Mapoko area to finish off the roofing (you will get a separate report on it), and the two of us, Dorothy and I went to Nalubanda North to spend the Sabbath with our brethren there. We had a wonderful reception as usual on  4th August, and  I had phoned Maxwell that we were coming to see the borehole.

The pictures below tell the story better. The community representative, who had been there during services, said they used to drink dirty water drawn from a well about 10km away and were plagued by diseases such as malaria and diarrhea  as a result but  now they been have promoted to drinking clean water from this borehole that will benefit about 300 plus people in area. Maxwell put the figure at 500, inclusive of children! The representative further said they will take good care of the borehole and protect it.  They started putting wooden poles around it as cows appear to smell the water and want their drink!  A provision is urgently being made for them. Better health and a longer life will result for adults and children.



UCG Church services in Nalubanda North

There are now even  people  who want to move into the neighborhood because of the same water blessing! Water is indeed life, one of our local slogans.

The borehole is sited near enough to Maxwell's home for security reasons but not too near....as shown in one of the pictures. One of the pictures also shows two children from the neighborhood  drawing some precious water!

Maxwell and Joyce with Fine Makomba and David Shimwambwa are shown...the one near Fine Makomba is his wife. Quite some happy moment at the borehole. The story of the borehole sunk by you has gone far and wide in the community. 

Joyce even remarked during lunch  that she can dispose of some used water unlike before when they would draw water miles away. Even used water was precious!  While not using the commodity with careless abandon, they are extremely thankful about this wonderful blessing. It is indeed a miracle which they cannot believe!  Its a dream come true.

Maxwell also sent you a note which I have had typed ,scanned and sent to you.

Nalubanda Basic School
PO Box 830030
Mumbwa, Zambia

The bore drillers came on Sunday 22nd July.  It took half of the day drilling and fitting all parts. In exception of cementing and fencing, which we are taking our part with my neighbors now.

You are really making us happy in our area here in Nalubanda North, Mr. Kubik.  Because of what you have done for us is to provide one of the necessities of life which is water.  Water, air and food are necessary for life.

May God bless you abundantly in your leadership and in helping us and others worldwide. This is because you are not only preparing the way for us in Christ but even for outsiders.  Your sacrifice for us will not go unpaid in this life and in the life to come. 

Looking forward to seeing you here before the end of the Roman year with Beverly.

Stay well in Jesus name,

Maxwell Kasakabantu

Here is the sign that will posted over the well....
