LifeNets Zambia Calf Report
Posted October 2, 2003
To the Zambia Project
We received the following report from Zambia LifeNets director Kambani
Banda. We are very excited to see the progress of this project and how
now it is passing on the gift that we had given others in the
Kambani Banda writes....
September 14, 2003

Village leader Apren Moombe with new calf |
I am glad to inform you that the heifers have dropped six calves but two
were still born leaving us with four, two males and two females. We project
another six before the end of the year. Already the families whose
heifers calved benefit from the milk produced.
In the current fall festival budget we excluded the cost of milk as the four
heifers will provide enough milk throughout the fall festival as well as
cutting the costs of keeping the festival, the curds made from milk are a
delicacy which are eaten with Nshima (Nshima is made from corn and is
similar to, but thicker than mashed potatoes).
I have never seen members and their families as health as now since I started
working in this area. I attribute this positive development to a steady supply
of Anti malarials, antibiotics, de-wormer, vitamins, mineral supplements and
rehydration fluids. This is not to forget the health education programmes that
go hand in hand with the supply of medicines.
The good health that the people enjoy means that they are able to work harder
than in the past, the good rains that God blessed us resulted in dramatic
increase in productivity. There is universal house food security
and contribution have increased to just over 100% above last year. Our people
are an example of the great strides that can be achieved if there is a little
priming of the pump, education in godly values plus favourable weather. These
are the same factors that will make the world tomorrow work.
By the way Mr. van Belkum will on Sunday during the festival and hand over the
first pair and next Generation of heifers to
Winter Chifwepa.. We wish you would be there to do the hand over and celebrate
with us this milestone in this wonderful project.
The procurement and supply of veterinary drugs is a component of the project
which has made it so successful. In the period under review a number of
farmers have lost as much as 75% of their head due to various
cattle diseases. In comparison our mortality rate is still the same two
reported earlier. One was replaced and we are in the process of replacing
the other. Therefore, for all intents and purposes, we can safely report
that mortality from the original batch of heifers is nil.
The Scotch Cart that LifeNets funded was bought last year after the feast
and is located in Kasumpa. It is a big help in hauling farm produce from the
fields, drawing water and hauling fire wood. If it is possible, we could do
with another scotch cart for Nalubanda. The two communities are 25
kilometres apart
The van that LifeNets bought for us in December last year is running well and
a true partner in implementing and supervising our project. The garage
is now complete and therefore I do not to walk five kilometres every day to
the Police Station to pick and park the van for Security. The garage has
also added an undeserved value to our house. For lack of anything better to do
or say, we say thank you to LifeNets.
Since there appears to be a constant requirement for pictures and faxes from
Lifenets and the church you might wish to consider a Scanner but really this
is not as critical a Tape Drive.
The audited Accounts for the local chapter of LifeNets for year the ending 31
December, 2001 are now complete and a copy will be posted to you in the course
of the week. We are now working on the audit of the 2002 Accounts.
It is a pity you will not be able to come our way during this years feast.
You could have been able to see first hand the wonderful fruit being born
from your work in this area. I know that this is but a futile advert to
entice you change your travel schedule.
But seriously I feel very honoured to be associated with LifeNets and the
Church Of God. This programme is a practical demonstration that God's way
works and LifeNets is effectively pioneering this method.
Kambani Banda
you want to help out with our Zambia Cattle Project? All donations are tax
deductible and will help us maintain the continual building up of this herd.
You may send donations to
3707 Turfway Court
Indianapolis, IN 46228
Thank you for your care and interest.

Our herd with the Nissan van that
purchased a year ago. |
