Progress in the Zambia Project
September 10, 2001

September 10, 2001

I thought I'd bring you up to date on a number of matters regarding our working in Zambia.

Hello again Vic,
I managed to contact Kambani last night. The problem is that there was a power surge (again!) in Lusaka, and it knocked out his computer monitor and mouse, plus his fax machine, fridge, and TV. What a struggle for those people living in these areas.
About the medicines, he is in contact with a qualified (0verseas) chemist who used to attend WWC. His name is Mervyn Shakalima, and I knew him years ago. He is going to assist Kambani with the selection of medicines. I have stressed that you are keen to get this going. He returned from Mumbwa, where about 40% of the members were ill, with malaria the main problem, but also tummy upsets. One lady, recently married, lost her baby.
Heifer project: Would you believe that foot and mouth disease has broken out in the area! That means we will have to investigate what actions we take about providing heifers carefully. Kambani is aware of this, and will proceed only when the coast is clear. So not only the UK is suffering from this terrible disease. He is keen to tackle the project himself.
Arrangements for the Feast seem to be fine. The shorter road to Mumbwa has been graded, and it cut about two and one half hours off his travel time. He feels with a better vehicle (than the Peugot), you can make the trip in two and one half hours. That will be a great blessing. Arrangements for a driver, accommodation in Lusaka, etc. are in place. Even in Mumbwa there is now a new hut with a double bed! And a little visiting area next to the bedroom. So progress is being made.
You and Bev will be here soon now.
Fond regards,



Hello Vic,
I trust that you and Bev are keeping fit and well.
I spoke with Kambani last night, and he gave me some disturbing news about our project with the Heifer Foundation. But you need to keep in mind that we are dealing with African thinking and approach.
As you are aware Kwacha had promied that the training of our members would commence in July, or the latest August. He has now informed Kambani that the training will only commence next year April! That's not the end of the story. He also informed  Kambani that the costs will increase from $6000 to $10000. Kambani feels that this is excessive to the extreme, as he can obtain good quality heifers from $100 to $150 each. Incidentally, Kambani himself is well versed with cattle in Zambia. A few years back he started with 5, and now has a herd of 36. He says he is well versed with methods of tick control, and the prevention of other diseases.
He mentioned that the training is important, and suggested we should possibly look into another avenue, such as the local Department of Agriculture (Mr. Kamaloni). They have training officers who assist small farmers.I bet that Kambani would not do a bad job himself. Maybe we can pay him a small amount (he will probably refuse) to undertake the purchase of the heifers, and training of the members.
You can see why so few international companies want to do business with African countries. Maybe the Eternal is showing us something Victor, but I am not sure. I need your guidance. We will get the project done, that's for sure, but will have to see how best to go about it.
All the best,





Lists from Kambani






July 12, 2001

Report from Andre van Belkum are that the training process for the residents of two settlements in the Mumbwa region of Zambia have now begun.  Cattle is scheduled to be delivered in October. 

When we visited the Mumbwa area on July 2, 2000, one family was able to rent a team of oxen that they were using for plowing.  This is the type of cattle we want to provide for this area.

We want to give special thanks to Carl Hoffman, Vern Hargrove, Sonali Fiske, the Elkhart and Hammond, Indiana United Churches of God who have provided financial support and encouragement to make this project a reality.  We will be posting more reports as they come.

My wife Beverly and I plan to visit Zambia in late September and see the progress first-hand and talk to the Heifer Foundation office in Lusaka which is providing the training program and cattle.

YOU CAN HELP our helping these people in this new ongoing ZAMBIAN PROJECT.  Tax-deductible contributions cam be made to 

        P.O. Box 88165
        Indianapolis, Indiana 46208

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