Tribute to Gibbson Simalyatta

Written March 20, 2003

Gibbson Simalyatta was a special person to us as he was instrumental in helping so many people in the Mumbwa region of Zambia rebuild their herd of cattle from nothing to a healthy herd of 24....with eight heifers pregnant at this very moment. 

He taught at the Zambia Agricultural College in Monze. I met him at the Feast of Tabernacles in Mumbwa. We discussed a plan about how to educate the people receiving cattle so that the cattle would receive proper veterinary care and that the cattle owners would know what to do to protect their stock from  disease that spread rapidly because of certain feeding and care practices.  Some age-old feeding practices needed to be changed.  At the Festival he was one of those who gave a few sermonettes. He came with three daughters.  His wife had died the previous year. Two of his daughters sang at the Feast.

In late October and early November 2001 Gibbson conducted a seminar at Nalubanda, Mumbwa in Zambia. Shortly, thereafter, the people in the settlement received their first heifers and bulls.  LifeNets was able to send Gibbson Simalyatta a laptop computer as he travels in the remote regions and needs to keep records. We were able to communicate via email.

At the Festival in Mumbwa in 2002 Gibbson contracted pneumonia and died suddenly.  What a shock to us!  What a fine, gracious and caring person.  He had a gentle, caring and fair spirit that was so necessary for us to help

According to tribal law, his children automatically become his surviving brother's children. Also, all he owns goes directly to his brother.

I thought our readers who have followed our humanitarian efforts in Zambia would be interested in seeing some of the photos below. Gibbson will always be one of the most memorable people that I have ever met.

--Victor Kubik

Gibbson Simalyatta's family (taken October 3, 2001

Moonga on left with sister on right

Gibbson and Moonga

Moonga and her sister signing special music at Festival

Gibbson training the Mumbwa people in how to prepare silage

Gibbson (on right) giving sermonette at the Festival of Tabernacles in Mumbwa in 2001.  Apren Mombe on left is translating his message into local tribal language

Daughter Chabota

Gibbson (holding Longlite flashlight donated by Chris Moen) helping
me distribute humanitarian items we brought to Mumbwa

The fruits of Gibbson's training:  Cattle and plows for Mumbwa!


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