Journey to China
Culture and Contacts in Beijing
- The Story
- The Journey Begins - Beijing and The Forbidden City
- Culture and Contacts in Beijing
- The Imperial Gardens in Beijing
- The Great Wall
- Tianamen Square Beijing
- Shanghai, The Museum and Acrobats
- Shanghai, Children's Palace
- Shanghai, The Bund
- Shanghai, A walk around town
Chinese Children's' Orchestra played
Chinese and Western selection
An instrument pronounced "Ar Hoo." Played
with bow on cannister covered with snake skin.
Sunday luncheon after discussions with
Soong Ching Ling Foundation leaders.
From left to right: Richard Liu,
Yu Guilin [Vice Chairman and Secretary General
of SCLF], Larry Greider, Victor Kubik,
Cunyu Wu [Assistant Secretary-General of SCLF]
Beijing Children's Orchestra performed admirably
Richard Liu
They played instruments we had
never seen before
March 25 Saturday night dinner with leaders of
the Soong Ching Ling Foundation
Frank Fish
Old City Gates preserved at Tianamen Square