St. Petersburg (2)

October 9-12, 1999

Novgorod One
Novgorod Two
Novgorod Three
St. Petersburg One
St. Petersburg Two
St. Petersburg Three



 The Admiralty Building

 An opening statement by Judy O'Bannon

 Our group listens intently

Les Lenkowsky and Phyllis Pond

Our group squeezed in for this shot

A foggy Sunday morning

Of the Baltic Fleet: Admiral Carole Darst

FYI: Captain Lloyd Wright with Dick Darst beside him


Joe Miller

Hit Counter

Our delegation in front of the Admiralty
in St. Petersburg

At Nevsky Angel Charity Society
Director Vladimir Lukyanov on right

Vladimir's wife Svetlana who also works at the Charity

Jonathan Swain seizing the moment
with digital camera

Bob Walters

Captain Bonnie Atkins

Comrades Liz and Gail

Quite a refreshment spread

Buds, Rick Cockrum and Jayne Stites