Maloca of Mascou, Brazil Borehole Update

Posted December 1, 2015

The Brazil borehole project is now complete and functional. It was drilled is September 2014 and it is 260 feet (80m) deep. The drilling company broke through water at 255 feet (78m) where it was found various veins of crystalline, fresh water. The pump was installed at a depth of 100 feet (30m) and it has a flow rate of 9,000 liters (2,378 US gallons) per hour. An underwater chamber was placed at 56 feet (17m) deep. 

The cost of this borehole wais $8,800, the cost being divided with $3350 coming from Good Works and LifeNets providing the $5450 balance. LifeNets Australia raised funds towards LifeNets portion in a fundraiser sellling cards at the Festival of Tabernacles in Bend, Oregon in October 2014.

The local people stated at the time: "This water came from a rock and because of that it has minimal risk to dry up. It was likewise, from the rock, that  Jesus gave water to the Israelite's when they were thirsty (Exodus 17:6).” 

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They also added: “In the name of the all Brazilian congregation in Maloca de Moscou please convey all the brethren our sincere thanks for the assistance in this project, and for the continuing assistance to all of us in the congregation and in the community in general. Indeed we are lvery happy and pleased for all this and we recognize God’s hand in this project.”

As background information, the construction of this borehole followed an investigatory trip to Maloca de Moscou by Dr Paul Syltie (PHD) and I to determine what would be the most effective way to assist these people. When we got there they were in a prolonged drought, and the crying need was, water, water! Dr Syltie wrote a detailed explanation of the background and needs, which is attached.

Subsequent to the borehole project, we followed up with an agricultural project in December 2014. During that project a set of six volunteers went back to Maloca de Moscou in Brazil to build an irrigation system using the water from the borehole and to teach the locals of how to plant and maintain a vegetable garden. 

Later during April this year (2015) we visited them again to see the progress and fruits of that project. A number of pictures are attached showing the results of that project.

This project is particularly important to the local people, as the beneficiaries have in turn passed on a portion of the proceeds to the local community. This project is particularly important as this region of Brazil has been undergoing an unsually dry and extremely hot period due changes in weather patterns.

Please convey to all donors of LifeNets, sincere thanks for this investment and trust in the local community of Maloca de Moscou. The local people are benefiting from this act of care and community outreach. They are indeed very grateful.

Respectfully and very grateful for all the assistance to this local community in Brazil,

Jorge de Campos.