Container similar to the one we will be shipping
from the Minneapolis/St. Paul area on February 26, 2001
The whole Malawi Project Story
The Construction of the Malakia Clinic
The photos of the loadingOur Container to Malawi
(updated February 22, 2001)
We're in the final stretch of getting all items that we want to ship to Malawi together and loaded. A container similar to the one on the left will be loaded Friday, February 23 and Sunday, February 25th for Monday, February 26th departure to Malawi. The container will be loaded Friday, February 23 and Sunday, February 25 for departure to Malawi on Monday, February 26th.
- Malawi HOME
- The Container Story
- Photos Set 1 The last month's prep
- Photos Set 2 Minneapolis
- Photos Set 3 The container is on its way
- Photos Set 4 People and scenes in the Twin Cities
- Thank You!
We have about 35,000 pounds of much needed food and medical supplies and equipment for the new Malakia Clinic run by Gladstone and Alice Chonde in Lilongwe, Malawi who have done a marvelous service providing healthcare for their area of about 15,000 people. Without support from us thousands of people would be denied even the simplest health care.
In the last days in advance of shipping this container, we have had quite a number of last-minute expenses totaling close to $3 to $4,000 which is quite normal on a large shipment like this. Most items have been donated and we are very grateful, but there are still last minute items we had to buy. Any contributions to LifeNets for these expenses would be most welcome.
We want to thank all who have been supportive and helpful in making this container a great success. Tax-deductible contributions can be made to:
LifeNets - For Malawi
3707 Turfway Ct
Indianapolis, IN 46228
The first part of November we have been able to get some much needed equipment for the container going to Malawi from Paul Williams Tire Company.
We received ten hand crank hospital beds, four exam tables through FAME in Columbus, Indiana. They have also committed vitamins and cough syrup for children.
We have received a copy machine courtesy of Linda Schreiber and the SE Minnesota UCG congregations.
Many items have been given FREE, but there will be costs connected with shipping some items to the container along with costs for final food items that will be purchased at the last minute. Your support is much appreciated.
LifeNets, the Malawi Project
3707 Turfway Ct.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46228
In order to supply adequate hospital and medical supplies to Malawi we are arranging shipping through a United States Army Program which provides free shipping. The debarkation point will be the Minneapolis/St. Paul area as had previously been done in 1998.
Collections are being done around the United States and will then be finding their way for final loading in Minneapolis/St. Paul.
We have these items YES We're partially there We still need these NO Already at the warehouse:
- Three tons of wheat flour (donation by Bay City Milling of Minneapolis)
- 2 tons salt (donation by Morton Salt of St. Paul, Minnesota)
- 3 tons of blankets, sheets from the Northwest, including substantial contributions by Spokane, Eugene, Portland, Seattle and other congregations
- Many blankets from San Antionio and other congregations
- Food Supplements from Dale Schurter
6 mountain bikes (Lafayette, Indiana) - acquired by Mike Humphrey
YES Office furniture collected and temporarily stored by Tom Kerestes
YES Blankets collections in the Northwest coordinated by
Dyanne Dick dedelo_99@yahoo.comYES Blanket collections in Canada coordinated by
Connie White cjwhite7@earthlink.netYES Used clothing from Kenyon, Minnesota YES Hospital Equipment being collected in Indianapolis
10 hospital beds
4 exam tablesYES
Other items that we are collecting
Incubator for babies NO Weighing scales YES Bathroom scale to weigh expectant mothers YES Autoclave to sterilize equipments before and after use YES Microscope to do simple blood tests for malaria
parasites, stool and urine tests for worms.YES Test tubes and glass slides YES
A dozen large artery forceps YES Three lotion bowls NO Three kidney dishes YES One instrument trolley YES Stethoscope (need one more) YES Copy machine YES
Food items that will also be going (these will be purchased or donated)
Cooking oil YES Wheat Flour
YES Rice YES Salt YES Powdered Milk YES We also had donated to us a brand new ultrasound machine, a patient gurney, hospital gowns, syringes,