Bend, Oregon Collection

November 16, 2001

At the Fall Festival in Bend, Oregon the attendance was 1,185. A collection box decorated in  red/white/blue patriotic fashion on a table in the entry of the meeting facility 45 minutes before and after services every one of the eight days. 

Along side the collection box was a sign with information about LifeNets-Manhattan Project (taken straight from Mr. Kubik's website). An individual manned the table and answered any questions about LifeNets-Manhattan Project as well as collected food for the local food bank.

It was a very successful service project; I don't have a count of how many pounds of food were collected, but the final count on the money collection was $1,771.11. Big thanks to all those at the feast in Bend, Oregon who made a donation to help the local and national community.

Rachelle New and Cherri Wasilkoff manned the table. Below are photos of all the hard-working deeply caring Festival goers in Bend, Oregon.
