LifeNets Manhattan Project
UPDATED September 21, 2001
Launched September 15, 2001
- LifeNets Home
- Manhattan Project Home
- Five years later 2006
- November 16, 2001 UPDATE
- September 23, 2001 UPDATE
- September 21, 2001 UPDATE
- Link to our LifeNets volunteers in lower Manhattan at Assemblages--their website and exclusive photos (posted Sept 21)
- A Touching Letter from a Volunteer at Ground Zero (posted Sept 21)
- LifeNets Press release dated Sept 21, 2001
September 20, 2001 UPDATE
UPDATED Friday, September 21, 2001
Today, Friday, we sent out five tons of needed items for Manhattan as part of our “Manhattan Project” that will arrive tonight in New Jersey.
Daniel Hopwood is the director of the Red Cross in Paducah, Kentucky brought items up to Indianapolis two days ago to go on to New York City. Tom Peine, LifeNets board member stored these items in his warehouse at Peine Engineering.
Then, through Jennifer Swenson and her association with Kiwanis International we also had donated to us four tons of vitally needed items that included more of the above plus saline solution used as eye wash, gloves, work clothes, respirator masks and several palettes of bottled water which was loaded last night by the Volunteer Citizen's Disaster Relief Fund in Bloomington (Indiana), in Bloomington, IN.
At my Rotary Club meeting on Wednesday I spoke about our helping in New York City and they immediately collected $100 and gave it towards transport. I then contacted U-Haul who have previously given us deep discounts on trucks. They dropped their cost of truck from over $700 to $200. One of those at the Rotary Club on Wednesday is the assistant director of International Affairs at Butler University in Indianapolis. She offered to drive the load to New York City with her husband and they are on the road as I write.
Some items will be offloaded at Assemblages, a lower Manhattan Web developer located south of 14th Street in lower Manhattan and some in Greenwich Village and the rest at Yankee Stadium that is used a collection point. Assemblages was just able to get back to work. Their building had been damaged in the terrorist bombing. Assemblages employees will be glad to distribute the items we sent to needed points.
It was heartening to see something like come together and be off in less than two days with the cooperation, enthusiasm and support we had.