Final Report on Summer Camp "Romashka" Sponsored by LifeNets in
Shayan, Transcarpathia
November 6, 2000![]()
- Original story about the camps (6/15)
- August 2, 2000 report
- Photos! (latest posted Nov 6, 2000)
- Thank you letters from campers, parents, teachers, pastors (11/6) FINAL REPORT
November 6, 2000
From Ivan Yurishko, LifeNets director in Ukraine, I have received more photos and heartfelt notes from campers and parents whose children participated in a summer camp program for the very first time. Funding for this program was provided for the most part by LifeNets. Funds were used from donations made to help Sabbatarians in Ukraine. Also, George August of Long Beach, California provided substantial funding to make summer camp a successful reality for other children from the village of Uglya.
First, a Letter of Thanks from the leadership of the Sabbatarians whose official name is Religious Center of Associated Churches of Christians of the Sabbath Day. Here are excerpts from a letter they have written us following about the summer camp program:
Brother Victor Kubik!
The Transcarpathian Association expresses it sincere thanks to you, the Church and all your friends.
The children and their parents express sincere thanks to you for your care about the recreation of children in the camp located in the town of Shayan. The children developed new relationships, had Bible instruction, watched videos on biblical subjects, learned to value the gospel, sang songs glorifying God and picked mushrooms. They also had a wonderful surprise of being able to take a coach tour to the historic museum of region, the Mukachevo Castle. The children were left with wonderful impressions of all the activities. "I especially enjoyed the competition festival. The competitions were so close that our our head counselor Natalia Yurivna could not tell who was the best," says Sveta Galyant from the village of Rososh. Vita Galas reports that what she liked best that children from the entire province could gather together to pray and sing songs glorifying God. On the last day there was a service as children said farewell friend to friend. They said that they would meet again and they will again remember these special days given to them by God.
We thank God again, thank you and all the people through who we received this blessing.
Director of the Transcarpathian Association of Christians of the Sabbath Day
Vasil RomanAdministrator of the Association of CSD
Ivan YurishkoChief Editor of the Road to Truth
Ivan PavliyIn this letter there was also gratitude expressed to us for newsprint that we had donated several years ago that has been used to publish their newspaper Road to Truth. Here is what they say:
The Transcarpathian Association expresses thanks to you, the Church and your friends through that made it possible for us to print our newspaper. Your sponsoring help allowed us to print 13 editions of this newspaper. A minimum of 36,000 people were able to read about biblical truths. We receive many letters from different parts of the former Soviet Union, Germany, the United States who with thanksgiving receive the information in this newspaper. We want to express our thanks to all participants of this charitable work.
From a camper:
Summer 2000
I, Victoria Galas, live with my sister. We are without parents and I study at Khust high school. I attended the summer camp "Romashka" near Shayan. Many children came here from the entire province of Transcarpathia. When we first arrived, they showed us where we were going to stay for ten days, afterwards we were examined by a doctor and then were invited to the dining hall. Afterwards we met our counselors and our new friends.
At the camp we used the swings, played games, went into the woods for mushrooms, read the Bible. Every evening we watched videos on biblical subjects. On the Sabbath the youth from Khust came over and we conducted a service where we praised God in songs and prayers. A youth group from Vinogradov also came over and we sang more songs.
We enjoyed ourselves very much. I didn't only enjoy the competitions and the games, but also that I had a chance to praise God. I am very grateful to all who helped organize this camp where I found many new friends.
From a pastor:
The parents of the children who attended the Christian camp express their gratitude to those who participated in helping our children. To all who helped us, we wish you all the best in your good works. We pray that God may bless you all.
Village of Kyritskiy
Pastor Petro Protsenko
From parents:
Dear respected brother Victor!
Your brothers from the Church in Lipitska Polyana greet you. We want to write a letter of gratitude telling you how much we appreciated our children for the very first time having the opportunity to be in a Christian camp of recreation.
When it became evident that there would be a camp, we thanked God first, then you and your fellow supporters who helped sponsor and organize a camp with a variety of activities for our children in a cheerful environment. We as parents were so moved that someone cared about children in a parental way. In the ten-day period of camp our children made many new friends and want so much to see them again.
We want to thank you again in a sincere Christian manner for your work and providing the means to give us this joy and feel your brotherly love. I thank God constantly for the blessing that we received. I hope that we can meet with you soon. Let God help us all!
Respectfully with gratitude, the parents of the village of Lipitska Polyana
From a teacher:
August 17, 2000
KhustGreetings and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ. Brother Victor, we want to express our gratitude for making it possible for us to gather our children for this period of recreation. This is the first time that we have been able to do this. I would like share some of my feelings as a Christian and as a teacher/counsellor.
I would like to explain the value of the camp project. Very simply, children that were constantly by their parents' side were now learning to communicate and co-operate one with another, receive biblical instruction, learned to praise God in song and poems. Those who had little spiritual development were charged up by the more earnest children. Some had the opportunity simply to enjoy the plenteousness of the food and eat a lot.
Also, at camp children show what they are really like.
The children were able to take home spiritual literature, new songs and lots of good in their hearts. Parents commented about the good changes they witnessed in their children. The parents saw changes that came about as a result of common prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Also, as a parent and with a lot of love a lot was given to the camp project by Ivan Yurishko. There wasn't a day that he didn't come out to the camp grounds with toys, paper, the printing of songs, spiritual literature and having his hands on the operation of things. All this was taken on by brother Ivan. It is amazing how he was able to organize so many children who came from all over the province.
Your sacrifices have brought many good fruits. A sincere thank you to you personally from the parents of all the children. Let God bountifully reward you fro your love. We are and will continue to pray for you.
With love,
Natalya and Ivan