Opening Two Computer Schools
in Western Ukraine
May 18, 2000
School Opens November 30, 2000!
Through a generous donation from George August from Long Beach, California, LifeNets will soon be opening schools to teach basic computer skills and programming in two Transcarpathia locations in Western Ukraine. One school will be in the larger city of Khust where we have conducted several projects previously. The most recent was Mission Ukraine 99. The second location is the village of Uglya about 30 miles from Khust. George August's father emigrated to the United States from Uglya and George has been desirous of helping young people seek a better life. George August also uses LifeNets to administer two scholarship funds in his father Ivan Agoshton's name and a school repair project.
George August (left) with wife Beverly and
Ivan Yurishko, LifeNets Ukraine Representative
and Director. Photo was taken August 29, 1999
at reunion in Portland, OregonOur goal is to teach young people not only basic use of computers but with specialized programming skill sets. Then we hope to send work from here to Ukraine to be processed and then sent back via the Internet.
Ivan Yurishko, LifeNets Ukraine Representative and Director is managing the setup of both schools. So far we have purchased ten new IBM M2 MX 300 Mhz computers with 32 meg of RAM and 3 gig hard disks along with 15 inch monitors. We also purchased one laser printer for each school. Last month we arranged for a radio link Internet connection from Khust to Uzhgorod 60 miles away. Telephone lines are unbelievably bad and we needed this reliable link which is still under construction. We are trading the upgrading of Internet facilities for classroom space and instruction. The process is moving along well and the first students will be starting instruction this summer.
George August and I first met on the Internet after he had searched the web for what's going on in Transcarpathia and found our website. Now we find ourselves working together to help people fulfilling the Mission Statement of LifeNets:
LifeNets is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that develops programs offering practical assistance that promote the well being and self sufficiency of needy people throughout the world.