LifeNets Computer Schools in Transcarpathia, Ukraine November 1, 2007 Since 2000 LifeNets has provided computers for and developed a curriculum for computer education in Transcarpathia for those who could never have afforded this opportunity. It was done through our own computer schools and through public schools. Please be sure to see photos of the history of our computer program in Western Ukraine.
In May of 2007 we provided our LifeNets computer school in Khust 15 brand new Pentium 4 XP Dell computers, each having an 80 gig hard disk. They are all networked to a laser printer. This is the second time we have replaced the previous set of computers. Ivan Yurishko, Ukraine LifeNets director, describes our computer program: In 2000 the School of Art in Khust provided a location for the LifeNets computer classes that were equipped by LifeNets. The room for the classes was given to us by the school’s director who at that time was V.M. Andrijtso. The financing of the computers was by an American philanthropist George August whose father who was also of Ukrainian descent from the village of Uglya in the Tyachev region. Not only computers provided, but desks and chairs, a laser printer. A copy machine was donated by the Shturmer Corporation Ltd. headed by Ivan Yurishko. LifeNets president Victor Kubik gave us the funding to obtain the equipment to connect by radio link to the Internet. Children from the city and region of parents who could not afford even the cheapest computer (which would be more than a year’s salary) now had the opportunity to study computers in theory and use them in practice.
Computers have increasingly become part of every part of one’s life. And now the young people could learn to individually operate a computer. Children were learning to create, save and print documents They were able to use various applications and access databases. In their spare time they learned to do artistic work on the computers and play various games. Because our area has had such access to computer and information technology many of our students went on handily to jobs that used computers. Our students became champions of an Olympic of computer knowledge contest taking first and second places.Here is listing of some of the equipment along with instruction that LifeNets has provided in Transcarpathia from 2000 until the present: LifeNets has given technical education and equipment to help educate in various towns in the regions surrounding the larger city of Khust. Altogether 48 computers, nine copy machines and three printers have been purchased by and through LifeNets since the start of our program in November 2000. The schools benefiting are:
Since the LifeNets Computer Schools were established in 2000, with the help of the city government of Khust we have conducting a two-year class called “Operator EOM” for student from Boronyavsko, Rokosov, Krivskoy, Izyanskiy schools of the Khust regions. Also student from schools 1,2 4,5, 7 in Khust. Students of grades 10-11 of selected schools were brought to Khust for vocational training where they went through a school program of both theoretical and practical learning certain professions. Some chose to be electricians, other tailoring, some commercial and business, other metal worker. Some chose the course “Operaotor OEM” sponsored by LifeNets. The base of Khust’s high school education trade school did not have the means to support itself with computer equipment, but Shturmer Ltd and LifeNets gave free premises and computers to run the program and access to the Internet. We were able to educate 219 students from Khust the outlying region.
The 2006-2007 class had 26 students the opportunity to go through the course, successfully pass exams and receive the profession Operator of Electro Digital Machines. These student after school had ended have the opportunity to get a job or to further continue their education in higher education schools. Right now there is a program where children from different schools from towns of the region in their free time from school have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and learn practical skills of computer technology and the Internet. We have also provided computer education for professionals in our community who have had no computer training. We have given training to 15 teachers, doctors from the Khust hospital, polyclinic and other services. |
The new computers at the LifeNets School