September 10, 2004


The Ozzie Engelbart Memorial Youth Fund sponsored 15 year-old Sarah Squibb from Torbay, Newfoundland for its 2004 camp award. She was able to take part in Camp Heritage, Pennsylvania and had a wonderful time.  

Sarah Squibb


OGE Fund Home

Sarah writes to us and sends some pictures about camp --


Camp Heritage

Camp: N.1: A group of tents or other temporary shelter. 2. The persons occupying a group of tents, etc. V. 1. To set up or live in a camp. 2. To hold stubbornly to a position. (Funk & Wagnall’s Standard desk dictionary, © 1984, pg. 89, Volume 1 A-M)

In some ways a couple of these definitions can apply to me and others who attended Camp Heritage, but for me it was extremely exciting to attend a United Youth Camp. Why, many of you might ask. Well I am the only teen in the St. John’s, NL congregation. This was my first year attending a camp at the age of 15. Camp Heritage supplied a large variety of activities, anything from water sports to imitating Fred Astaire and Virginia Dale on the Dance floor. One of the many interesting features of camp was the interactive Christian living class with our brother dorm in a relaxed atmosphere. We had a novelty Olympics and a dance that ended our camping experience. There were a lot of laughs and some tears when it was time to go home.

You could say we had two camp mottos, one being “IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU.” This was said by the camp Director Mr. Darris McNeely who retired his position as the director of Camp Heritage after he had run the camp for the nine years it had been open. I can safely say we wish him the best in the years to come. The other camp motto was, “THERE IS NO TEACHING TO COMPARE TO EXAMPLE.” This was above the fireplace in the dining hall. I thought this held a lot of truth. Many of the younger campers looked up to and followed the example the counselor’s, staff and older campers set. From what I noticed the campers held the staff and counselors in respect and high regard. To sum up the whole camping experience I think that most had a very positive and enjoyable experience and would like to come back, especially me.

Alyessa Diggins in our tent

Pam and Jessica

Hit Counter

Dining Hall

Gannett 2 Dorm members

Gannett 1 and 2 after cave trip



We are already thinking about summer of 2005.... If you would like to help young people from an international area experience a US camping experience, you can make a tax deductible contribution to --

Ozzie G. Engelbart Memorial Youth Fund


P.O. Box 88165

Indianapolis, IN 46208




Check out these other links about other happy campers.....