Orphans and Street Children Program
in Vinogradov, UkraineUPDATED February 12, 2002
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- August 2007 Update
- June 8, 2007 - new van donation
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- February 26, 2002 Update
- February 12, 2002 Update
- Original Story July 26, 2001
- Vinogradov HOME
- LifeNets HOME
First, THANK YOU for helping making it possible to regularly feed the 40 street children and orphans in our Vinogradov soup kitchen. We have received generous donations from our friends in California, British Columbia, Minnesota, Georgia, Oregon, Texas, Kentucky and more. $5000 has come from two individuals who deeply care for the plight of these children and trust that LifeNets will use their entire contribution for benefiting these children directly.
Pastor Vasyl Polichko and his wife Irina who have worked so hard making the kitchen work are so grateful to you all and write the following letter to all of us:
October 7, 2001
Dear respected brother Victor Kubik!
Please accept sincere greetings from the charitable brotherhood "The Light of Love" in Vinogradov, Ukraine.
First, we are very thankful to God and to all who are participating in the charitable project and especially to those who care for orphans, children from very large families and from families too poor to feed their own children.
Don't let the light go out from this good work that you have started, but let it burn until the Jesus Christ returns who will then say: "Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in;" (Matt 25:34-36).
Part of the expenses that you sent have been spent for what you had intended even though we are not yet using the dining area in the building space that has been allocated by the city, but it will be shortly. We have been using our church building space as the dining area temporarily.
Tax-deductible contributions for this project can be made to LifeNets (for Vinogradov)
3707 Turfway Ct
Indianapolis, IN 46228(When projects are fully funded additional donations will be used where needed most to help hungry children)
We are hoping that it will be soon that our children who need care will find protection in that has been allocated to us to be used ad a dining area.
With respect,
Vasyl Polichko
Head of "The Light of Love"
Some of you have asked how we get the money to where its needed and how our entire process of working in Ukraine works.
Ivan Yurishko, LifeNets director for Ukraine
I have been involved in helping in western Ukraine since 1992 when I visited the province of Transcarpathia for the first time. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union there has been greater freedom, however, economic conditions have significantly worsened. Since 1996 we have sent to three containers of humanitarian assistance which has helped the local people plus helped with the resettlement of religious refugees from Muslim Tajikistan to Ukraine.
On May 18, 2000 we opened an official chapter of LifeNets in Ukraine and have placed local businessman Ivan Yurishko as director. He has been chief steward of our programs ranging from computer education to children's camps to now this first soup kitchen. We maintain a foreign currency account for LifeNets in Ukraine and can easily transfer needed funds efficiently.
Photos that have been emailed to me from Ukraine of street children who are now being fed and care being shown to them.
Activities overseen by the Polichko's
The government donated space in this building rent-free
Sign for the "Light of Love" mission
Vasyl Polichko and Victor Kubik
Giving thanks for their food
We're happy that she is cared for
Donors have come through from the United States and Canada. We have received over half the funding needed to operate this soup kitchen for the year 2002. Thank YOU!!