Zambia Feb 2020 LifeNets Report

To: President Beverly Kubik - LifeNets Intl,

I write to report on the progress of the crops in our area. Generally, there is progress on the crops of our farmers in all our areas. Although, the rains have not been consistently covering all the places, we expect some harvest this year. You will still be briefed further with the passage of time of any changes on weather.

On behalf of all the brethren and on my own behalf, I would like to sincerely thank you, LifeNets Intl and all the Donors, on the provision of farming inputs, scholarship funds to our students and indeed the sinking of boreholes to the different areas of the communities. These have  provided good clean water for drinking, domestic use, gardening and drinking water for the animals. All these activities have changed lives of people.

Further, we pray for you, et Intl, and indeed all the Donors for your selfless charity and support to the poor and vulnerable people in Zambia. Our earnest appeal is to the donors to continue supporting Lifenets Intl and Goodworks for this common cause.

God bless you all.

Major Talama